Santa Catarina Juquila | |
Municipality an toun | |
Coordinates: 16°14′N 97°18′W / 16.233°N 97.300°W | |
Kintra | ![]() |
State | Oaxaca |
Population (2005) | |
• Total | 5,579 |
Time zone | UTC-6 (Central Staundart Time) |
• Summer (DST) | UTC-5 (Central Daylicht Time) |
Santa Catarina Juquila is a toun in the State o Oaxaca, Mexico, an is the seat o the municipality cried Santa Catarina Juquila an aw. It is pairt o the Juquila Destrict in the centre o the Costa Region. The name "Juquila" comes frae "Xuhquililla", whilk means "Place o blue milkweed".[1]
The total aurie o the municipality is 811.42 km2 in ruggit terrain in the fuithills o the Sierra Madre del Sur. The climate is temperate humid, wi maximum temperaturs o 20°C, minimum 12°C an average 16°C. Annual rainfaw is 854 mm, heicher frae Mey tae September an lawer frae October tae Apryle. Trees include pine, aik, mahogany, cedar, coral, topehuaje, blackwood, ebony, jacaranda an ash. Fruit trees include oranger, lemon, mamey, bananae, pomegranate an guava. Wild fauna are deer, badgers, iguana an armadillo.[1]
The toun haes a population o 5,579 indwallers an is at a altitude o 1,462 metre abuin sea level.[2] It is locatit north o Puerto Escondido on Federal Heich-gate 131.[3]
The toun is kent for the Santuario (Sanctuar) de Juquila whilk hooses a 30 cm statue o the Virgin Mary, which haes been veneratit syne the 16t century. In 1633, it survivit, completely intact, a fire that destroyed the veelage in whilk it wis oreeginally locatit. At the beginnin o the 18t century, it wis muivit tae its current location whaur the sanctuar wis built for it. Thoosans o fowk veesit this Virgin frae athort the state o Oaxaca, ither pairts o Mexico an abroad.[3]
In 2005 the municipality haed 2,715 hoosehaulds wi a total o 14,380 indwallers 4,168 fowk o wham speak a hamelt leid.[1] Juquila is ane o the centres o the Chatino fowk, relatit tae the Zapotec but wi a distinct leid.[4] The Union o Indigenous Commonties o the Isthmus Region, a cooperative foondit in 1982, assists in production an distribution o the local products, notably coffee, unner a fair trade label.[5]
As municipal seat, Santa Catarina Juquila haes govrenin jurisdiction ower the follaein commonties: