The Supreme Coort o Chile is the heichest coort in Chile. It administrates the laicher coorts in the naition forby.
In the Chilean seestem, the coort wants the braider pouer o judeecial scowth—it canna set bindin precedent or invalidate laws. Insteid, it acts on a case-bi-case basis.
Trials is cairied oot in salas, chaumers o at laist five juidges, moderate bi the maist senior member.
The members o the Supreme Coort is appyntit bi the Presses o Chile, but maun be waled frae a leet o five chyces that is redd bi the sittin members o the coort. Twa o thaim waled maun be senior juidges frae appellate coorts; the ither three needna hae ony judicial experience. The preses's chyce maun syne be ratifee'd bi the senate. Supreme Coort juistices maun be at laist 36 year auld. Thay ser for life an canna be remuived cep for "inappropriate ongauns."
The Supreme Coort haes twintie-ane members, cried ministros. Ae member is waled tae ser a three-year term as Preses o the Supreme Coort.
Rraisent Supreme Coort members:
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The Chilean Supreme Coort haes been inrowed in monie important human richts cases adae wi the umwhile Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.
The Chilean Supreme Coort haes makkit important deceesions in the area o gay richts.