Tayside derby

The Tayside derby is a collective name gied tae ony gemme played atween the three biggest fitbaa teams in the Tayside region o Scotland. These are Dundee, Dundee Unitit an St. Johnstone. In practise tho, gin the gemme is atween Dundee and Dundee Unitit, it's mare aften kennt as a Dundee derby.

Tae a lesser extent, gemmes atween the three teams awready mentioned an the fower perfaissional teams frae the Angus region o Scotland could be considert Tayside derbies an aw. Thay teams would be Arbroath, Brechin Ceety, Farfar Athletic an Montrose. Thay gemmes would be o a muckle lower prominence sin the clubs are usually in lower diveesions o the Scots leagues.