Villa Alta Destrict

Villa Alta Destrict
Oaxaca regions an destricts: Sierra Norte tae Northeast
Oaxaca regions an destricts: Sierra Norte tae Northeast
Coordinates: 17°20′N 96°9′W / 17.333°N 96.150°W / 17.333; -96.150
Kintra Mexico

Villa Alta Destrict is locatit in the centre o the Sierra Norte Region o the State o Oaxaca, Mexico. It haes an aurie o 1,156 km2 o muntainous kintra, dividit intae 25 municipalities.

As o 2007 thare wur 99 dounsets o which 72 haed electricity an 38 haed a supply o potable watter in 2007. As o 2005 the total population wis 29,009. The main fuid crops are maize an beans. Coffee is the maist important cash crop, an thare is some succar cane production.[1]


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Villa Alta municipalities

The destrict includes the follaein municipalities:[2]

Municipality Aurie km2 2005
San Andrés Solaga 38 1,699
San Andrés Yaá 37 378
San Baltazar Yatzachi el Bajo 48 690
San Bartolomé Zoogocho 23 381
San Cristóbal Lachirioag 24 1130
San Francisco Cajonos 26 371
San Ildefonso Villa Alta 137 3,100
San Juan Juquila Vijanos 37 1,908
San Juan Tabaá 27 1,091
San Juan Yaeé 93 1,344
San Juan Yatzona 38 561
San Mateo Cajonos 26 574
San Melchor Betaza 37 919
San Pablo Yaganiza
San Pedro Cajonos
Santa María Temaxcalapa
Santa María Yalina
Santiago Camotlán 333 3,089 2,461
Santiago Lalopa
Santiago Zoochila
Santo Domingo Roayaga
Santo Domingo Xagacía
Tanetze de Zaragoza 59 1,581 o 1,327
Villa Hidalgo
Villa Talea de Castro


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  1. "Distrito 13 Villa Alta" (PDF). oeidrus. Archived frae the original (PDF) on 22 Julie 2011. Retrieved 22 August 2010.
  2. "Enciclopedia de los Municipios de México: Estado de Oaxaca". Archived frae the original on 10 Januar 2013. Retrieved 8 Julie 2010.