گورنمينٽ آف -انڊيا-، پنهنجي رياستن جي لاءِ، جيڪي قاعدا قانون جوڙيندي هئي، اهي ”-انڊيا ائڪٽ-“ جي نالي سان منسوب ٿيندا هئا. اهي قاعدا قانون ملڪي نظام هلائڻ جي سلسلي ۾ هوندا هئا. ڪي -ائڪٽ- سڄي -انڊيا- لاءِ هوندا هئا ته ڪي جدا جدا رياستن لاءِ خاص ڪري سنڌ پرڳڻي جي لاءِ جيڪي قاعدا قانون ٺهندا هئا، اهي گورنمينٽ پريس، ڪراچيءَ مان ڇپائي، سڀني محڪمن کي موڪليا ويندا هئا. سال 1872ع کان وٺي گورنمنٽ پريس، ڪراچيءَ مان ڇپيل -انڊيا ائڪٽ.[1]
The term Government of India Act refers to any one of a series of Acts passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom to regulate the government of British India, in particular:
Government of India Act 1833 or Saint Helena Act, created the post of Governor-General of India
Government of India Act 1858, established India as a nation consisting of British India and princely states.
Government of India Act 1909 or Indian Councils Act 1909, brought about a limited increase in the involvement of Indians in the governance of British India
Government of India Act, 1912, modified the Indian Councils Act 1909 and undid the Partition of Bengal (1905)
Government of India Act, 1915, a consolidation into a single Act of most of the existing Acts of Parliament concerning Indian government
Government of India Act 1919, passed to expand participation of Indians in the government of India
Government of India Act 1921 or Round Table Conferences, a series of conferences to discuss constitutional reforms in India
Government of India Act 1935, never fully implemented, served as part of the constitutional basis of India and Pakistan