Protein srodan sa insulinskim receptorom
Vanjski IDOMIM147671 MGI1346037 HomoloGene56539 GeneCards: INSRR Gene
EC broj2.7.10.1
Pregled RNK izražavanja
Ref. Sekv. (iRNK)NM_014215NM_011832
Ref. Sekv. (protein)NP_055030NP_035962
Lokacija (UCSC)Chr 1:
156.81 - 156.83 Mb
Chr 3:
87.8 - 87.82 Mb
PubMed pretraga[1][2]

Protein srodan sa insulinskim receptorom je protein koji je kod ljudi kodiran INSRR genom.[1][2][3]


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  1. Shier P, Watt VM (Oct 1989). „Primary structure of a putative receptor for a ligand of the insulin family”. J Biol Chem 264 (25): 14605–8. PMID 2768234. 
  2. Shier P, Willard HF, Watt VM (Jan 1991). „Localization of the insulin receptor-related receptor gene to human chromosome 1”. Cytogenet Cell Genet 54 (1–2): 80–1. DOI:10.1159/000132963. PMID 2249481. 
  3. „Entrez Gene: INSRR insulin receptor-related receptor”. 


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  • Whitmore TE, Maurer MF, Day HL i dr.. (2000). „The assignment of the human insulin receptor-related receptor gene (INSRR) to chromosome 1q21→q23 by the use of radiation hybrid mapping”. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 87 (1–2): 93–4. DOI:10.1159/000015400. PMID 10640820. 
  • Weber A, Huesken C, Bergmann E i dr.. (2004). „Coexpression of insulin receptor-related receptor and insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor correlates with enhanced apoptosis and dedifferentiation in human neuroblastomas”. Clin. Cancer Res. 9 (15): 5683–92. PMID 14654552. 
  • Klammt J, Garten A, Barnikol-Oettler A i dr.. (2005). „Comparative analysis of the signaling capabilities of the insulin receptor-related receptor”. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 327 (2): 557–64. DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.12.039. PMID 15629149. 
  • Dissen GA, Garcia-Rudaz C, Tapia V i dr.. (2006). „Expression of the insulin receptor-related receptor is induced by the preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone in thecal-interstitial cells of the rat ovary”. Endocrinology 147 (1): 155–65. DOI:10.1210/en.2005-0386. PMID 16195402.