John Westerdale Bowker (London, 30. 7. 1935. – ), britanski teolog, anglikanski svećenik i akademik, zaslužan za uvođenje religijskih studija na Univerzitetu u Cambridgeu. Pohađao je koledž Worcester pri Univerzitetu u Oxfordu i od 1974. radio je kao redovni profesor religijskih studija na Univerzitetu u Cambridgeu, Lancasteru, Pennsylvaniji, te Državnom univerzitetu Sjeverne Karoline. Također, kao vanredni predavač radio je i na Univerzitetu u Cardiffu, Newcastleu, Torontu i drugim institucijama. Autor je više desetina knjiga i naučnih radova iz područja religijskih studija. Aktivan je kao konzultant u UNESCO-u odnosno komentator za BBC.
Djelomična lista djela:
- Targums and Rabbinic Literature (1969)
- The Problems of Suffering in the Religions of the World (1970)
- Jesus and the Pharisees (1973)
- The religious imagination and the sense of God (1978), Clarendon Press i Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780198266464
- Worlds of Faith: Religious belief and practice in Britain today (1989), BBC, ISBN 0-563-20197-5
- Licensed Insanities: religions and belief in God in the contemporary world (1997), DLT, ISBN 0-232-51725-8
- The Meanings of Death (1991)
- Is God a Virus?: Genes, Culture and Religion (1995), SPCK, ISBN 0-281-04812-6
- What Muslims Believe (1995)
- The Sense of God Oneworld Publications (1995), ISBN 1-85168-093-4
- The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (1997), Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-213965-7
- The Complete Bible Handbook (1998), 2. izd. (2004)
- The Cambridge Illustrated History of Religion (2002), ur.
- God: A Brief History (2004), Dorling Kindersley, ISBN 1-4053-0490-1
- The Sacred Neuron: The Extraordinary New Discoveries Linking Science and Religion (2005), Palgrave MacMillan, ISBN 1-85043-481-6
- World Religions (2006), Dorling Kindersley, ISBN 1-4053-1439-7
- Beliefs That Changed the World (2007), ISBN 184724016X
- World Religions (2008), Paw Prints/Baker & Taylor, ISBN 9781439554791
- The Aerial Atlas of the Holy Land: Discover the Great Sites of History from the Air (2008), Mitchell Beazley (koautori: Sonia Halliday; Bryan Knox), ISBN 9781845333409
- Knowing the Unknowable: Science and Religions on God and the Universe (2009), I.B. Tauris, ISBN 9781845117573
- Before the Ending of the Day: Life and Love, Death and Redemption: Poems and Translations (2010), Key Publishing House, ISBN 9780981160610
- The Message and the Book: Sacred Texts of the World's Religions (2011), Atlantic Books, ISBN 9781848878112
- God: A Very Short Introduction (2014), Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780198708957