Nick Catoggio better known as Allahpundit is a blogger and political commentator.[1][2] He used to work as an editor at the website “Hot Air”. He now works for The Dispatch.
In 2003, Nick Catoggio started a blog called “Allah is in the House” using the name Allah pundit. In 2004, Allahpundit and some other people proved that Dan Rather was wrong when Rather said that the documents he found proved George W. Bush had run away from the military in the 1970s. Allahpundit proved that the documents were actually forgeries. In 2006, Allahpundit started writing for Michelle Malkin’s website “Hot Air”.[3] In 2010, Malkin sold Hot Air to the Salem Media Group. In 2022, Catoggio left Hot Air to work for The Dispatch.
Allahpundit supports homosexual marriage and opposes giving American citizenship to illegal immigrants. In 2021, Allahpundit praised Bill Maher for criticizing Donald Trump for saying that the 2020 election was rigged.