New Red Sandstone

Vivid New Red Sandstone, Triassic period. It shows cross-bedded dune sandstone formed in a desert. Devon, near mouth of the River Exe
McClellan Gate, Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia
Powys Castle, Wales
New Red Sandstone at Locharbriggs, Scotland

The New Red Sandstone is a sandstone rock in Britain and elsewhere. It was laid down in desert conditions from the Permian (280 million years ago) to the beginning of the Triassic (240 million years ago). It underlies the Jurassic Lias, which are marine rocks such as the Blue Lias.

The term distinguishes it from the Old Red Sandstone, which is largely Devonian in age. The New Red Sandstone is much brighter and redder in colour than the Old Red Sandstone, as the examples show. The colour is caused by iron oxides in the rock.

the red sand stone was formed from 416 million to 359.2 million years ago . it was washed up on the beach