The Voice Kids is a British singing competition television series. Created by John de Mol, it premiered on ITV during the summer television cycle on 10 June 2017. The series was based on the original The Voice of Holland. It was part of the The Voice franchise. It has aired four series. It aims to feature young aspiring singers. The winners receive a money prize and a family trip, courtesy of Norweigan Airlines. Winners of the four series have been: Jess Folley, Daniel Davies, Sam Wilkinson and Justine Afante.
The series employs a panel of four coaches. They critique the artists' performances and guide their teams of selected artists through the remainder of the series. They also compete to ensure that their act wins the competition, thus making them the winning coach. The original panel featured, Danny Jones and Pixie Lott; the panel for the fifth series will feature, Jones, Lott and Melanie C. Other judges from previous series include Jessie J and Paloma Faith.
The fifth series will start in 2021.
Stage | Song | Original Artist | Date | Order | Result |
Blind Auditions | "Neverland" | from Finding Neverland the Musical | June 15, 2019 | 2.4 | All four chairs turned Joined Team Jessie J |
Battle Rounds (Top 36) | "Rewrite the Stars" (vs. Connie E. & Jazzy B.) | from The Greatest Showman | July 6, 2019 | 5.5 | Saved by Coach |
Semi-Finals (Top 12) | "Zero to Hero" | from Hercules | July 20, 2019 | 7.4 | |
Live Finale (Final 4) | "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" | Elton John (from The Lion King) | July 27, 2019 | 8.3 | Runner-up |
"When You Believe" (with Jessie J) | Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston | 8.8 |