
James Bigglesworth, známy v okruhu svojich priaznivcov ako "Biggles", je fiktívny pilot a dobrodruh, ktorého vytvoril britský spisovateľ W. E. Johns.

Biggles sa prvýkrát objavil v poviedke "The White Fokker", ktorá bola publikovaná hneď v prvom čísle novovzniknutého časopisu venovaného letectvu - "Popular Flying" - v apríli 1932. V krátkom čase nasledovali ďalšie poviedky o Bigglesovi a už koncom roka 1932 vychádza aj prvá kniha príbehov o Bigglesovi "The Camels are Coming".

Zoznam kníh o Bigglesovi

[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]
  1. The Camels Are Coming (1932)
  2. The Cruise of the Condor (1933)
  3. Biggles of the Camel Squadron (1934)
  4. Biggles Flies Again (1934)
  5. Biggles Learns to Fly (1935)
  6. The Black Peril (1935)
  7. Biggles Flies East (1935)
  8. Biggles in France (1935)
  9. Biggles & Co (1936)
  10. Biggles in Africa (1936)
  11. Biggles - Air Commodore (1937)
  12. Biggles Flies West (1937)
  13. Biggles Flies South (1938)
  14. Biggles Goes to War (1938)
  15. The Rescue Flight (1939)
  16. Biggles in Spain (1939)
  17. Biggles Flies North (1939)
  18. Biggles - Secret Agent (1940)
  19. Biggles in the Baltic (1940)
  20. Biggles in the South Seas (1940)
  21. Biggles Defies the Swastika (1941)
  22. Biggles Sees It Through (1941)
  23. Spitfire Parade (1941)
  24. Biggles Hits the Trail (1941)
  25. Biggles in the Jungle (1942)
  26. Biggles Sweeps the Desert (1942)
  27. Biggles - Charter Pilot (1943)
  28. Biggles in Borneo (1943)
  29. Biggles Fails to Return (1943)
  30. Biggles in the Orient (1945)
  31. Biggles Delivers the Goods (1946)
  32. Sergeant Bigglesworth CID (1947)
  33. Biggles' Second Case (1948)
  34. Biggles Hunts Big Game (1948)
  35. Biggles Takes a Holiday (1948)
  36. Biggles Breaks the Silence (1949)
  37. Biggles Gets His Men (1950)
  38. Another Job for Biggles (1951)
  39. Biggles Goes to School (1951)
  40. Biggles Works It Out (1952)
  41. Biggles Takes the Case (1952)
  42. Biggles Follows On (1952)
  43. Biggles - Air Detective (1952)
  44. Biggles and the Black Raider (1953)
  45. Biggles in the Blue (1953)
  46. Biggles in the Gobi (1953)
  47. Biggles of the Special Air Police (1953)
  48. Biggles Cuts It Fine (1954)
  49. Biggles and the Pirate Treasure (1954)
  50. Biggles Foreign Legionnaire (1954)
  51. Biggles Pioneer Air Fighter (1954)
  52. Biggles in Australia (1955)
  53. Biggles' Chinese Puzzle (1955)
  54. Biggles of 266 (1956)
  55. No Rest for Biggles (1956)
  56. Biggles Takes Charge (1956)
  57. Biggles Makes Ends Meet (1957)
  58. Biggles of the Interpol (1957)
  59. Biggles on the Home Front (1957)
  60. Biggles Presses On (1958)
  61. Biggles on Mystery Island (1958)
  62. Biggles Buries a Hatchet (1958)
  63. Biggles in Mexico (1959)
  64. Biggles' Combined Operation (1959)
  65. Biggles at the World's End (1959)
  66. Biggles and the Leopards of Zinn (1960)
  67. Biggles Goes Home (1960)
  68. Biggles and the Poor Rich Boy (1960)
  69. Biggles Forms a Syndicate (1961)
  70. Biggles and the Missing Millionaire (1961)
  71. Biggles Goes Alone (1962)
  72. Orchids for Biggles (1962)
  73. Biggles Sets a Trap (1962)
  74. Biggles Takes It Rough (1963)
  75. Biggles Takes a Hand (1963)
  76. Biggles' Special Case (1963)
  77. Biggles and the Plane That Disappeared (1963)
  78. Biggles Flies to Work (1963)
  79. Biggles and the Lost Sovereigns (1964)
  80. Biggles and the Black Mask (1964)
  81. Biggles Investigates (1964)
  82. Biggles Looks Back (1965)
  83. Biggles and the Plot That Failed (1965)
  84. Biggles and the Blue Moon (1965)
  85. Biggles Scores a Bull (1965)
  86. Biggles in the Terai (1966)
  87. Biggles and the Gun Runners (1966)
  88. Biggles Sorts It Out (1967)
  89. Biggles and the Dark Intruder (1967)
  90. Biggles and the Penitent Thief (1967)
  91. Biggles and the Deep Blue Sea (1967)
  92. The Boy Biggles (1968)
  93. Biggles in the Underworld (1968)
  94. Biggles and the Little Green God (1969)
  95. Biggles and the Noble Lord (1969)
  96. Biggles Sees Too Much (1970)
  97. Biggles Does Some Homework (1997) - Pozn.: Dokončenie knihy bolo prerušené autorovou smrťou
  98. Biggles Air Ace: The Uncollected Stories (1999)