James Bigglesworth, známy v okruhu svojich priaznivcov ako "Biggles", je fiktívny pilot a dobrodruh, ktorého vytvoril britský spisovateľ W. E. Johns.
Biggles sa prvýkrát objavil v poviedke "The White Fokker", ktorá bola publikovaná hneď v prvom čísle novovzniknutého časopisu venovaného letectvu - "Popular Flying" - v apríli 1932. V krátkom čase nasledovali ďalšie poviedky o Bigglesovi a už koncom roka 1932 vychádza aj prvá kniha príbehov o Bigglesovi "The Camels are Coming".
- The Camels Are Coming (1932)
- The Cruise of the Condor (1933)
- Biggles of the Camel Squadron (1934)
- Biggles Flies Again (1934)
- Biggles Learns to Fly (1935)
- The Black Peril (1935)
- Biggles Flies East (1935)
- Biggles in France (1935)
- Biggles & Co (1936)
- Biggles in Africa (1936)
- Biggles - Air Commodore (1937)
- Biggles Flies West (1937)
- Biggles Flies South (1938)
- Biggles Goes to War (1938)
- The Rescue Flight (1939)
- Biggles in Spain (1939)
- Biggles Flies North (1939)
- Biggles - Secret Agent (1940)
- Biggles in the Baltic (1940)
- Biggles in the South Seas (1940)
- Biggles Defies the Swastika (1941)
- Biggles Sees It Through (1941)
- Spitfire Parade (1941)
- Biggles Hits the Trail (1941)
- Biggles in the Jungle (1942)
- Biggles Sweeps the Desert (1942)
- Biggles - Charter Pilot (1943)
- Biggles in Borneo (1943)
- Biggles Fails to Return (1943)
- Biggles in the Orient (1945)
- Biggles Delivers the Goods (1946)
- Sergeant Bigglesworth CID (1947)
- Biggles' Second Case (1948)
- Biggles Hunts Big Game (1948)
- Biggles Takes a Holiday (1948)
- Biggles Breaks the Silence (1949)
- Biggles Gets His Men (1950)
- Another Job for Biggles (1951)
- Biggles Goes to School (1951)
- Biggles Works It Out (1952)
- Biggles Takes the Case (1952)
- Biggles Follows On (1952)
- Biggles - Air Detective (1952)
- Biggles and the Black Raider (1953)
- Biggles in the Blue (1953)
- Biggles in the Gobi (1953)
- Biggles of the Special Air Police (1953)
- Biggles Cuts It Fine (1954)
- Biggles and the Pirate Treasure (1954)
- Biggles Foreign Legionnaire (1954)
- Biggles Pioneer Air Fighter (1954)
- Biggles in Australia (1955)
- Biggles' Chinese Puzzle (1955)
- Biggles of 266 (1956)
- No Rest for Biggles (1956)
- Biggles Takes Charge (1956)
- Biggles Makes Ends Meet (1957)
- Biggles of the Interpol (1957)
- Biggles on the Home Front (1957)
- Biggles Presses On (1958)
- Biggles on Mystery Island (1958)
- Biggles Buries a Hatchet (1958)
- Biggles in Mexico (1959)
- Biggles' Combined Operation (1959)
- Biggles at the World's End (1959)
- Biggles and the Leopards of Zinn (1960)
- Biggles Goes Home (1960)
- Biggles and the Poor Rich Boy (1960)
- Biggles Forms a Syndicate (1961)
- Biggles and the Missing Millionaire (1961)
- Biggles Goes Alone (1962)
- Orchids for Biggles (1962)
- Biggles Sets a Trap (1962)
- Biggles Takes It Rough (1963)
- Biggles Takes a Hand (1963)
- Biggles' Special Case (1963)
- Biggles and the Plane That Disappeared (1963)
- Biggles Flies to Work (1963)
- Biggles and the Lost Sovereigns (1964)
- Biggles and the Black Mask (1964)
- Biggles Investigates (1964)
- Biggles Looks Back (1965)
- Biggles and the Plot That Failed (1965)
- Biggles and the Blue Moon (1965)
- Biggles Scores a Bull (1965)
- Biggles in the Terai (1966)
- Biggles and the Gun Runners (1966)
- Biggles Sorts It Out (1967)
- Biggles and the Dark Intruder (1967)
- Biggles and the Penitent Thief (1967)
- Biggles and the Deep Blue Sea (1967)
- The Boy Biggles (1968)
- Biggles in the Underworld (1968)
- Biggles and the Little Green God (1969)
- Biggles and the Noble Lord (1969)
- Biggles Sees Too Much (1970)
- Biggles Does Some Homework (1997) - Pozn.: Dokončenie knihy bolo prerušené autorovou smrťou
- Biggles Air Ace: The Uncollected Stories (1999)