Δελβινακίου | |
Fshat |
Delvinaq (greqisht: Δελβινακίου/Dhelvinakíon) është fshat në qarkun e Janinës, Greqi.
Toponimi Delvinaq rrjedh nga gjuha shqipe dhe ka kuptimin "vend i vreshtave".[1][2]
Gjatë dekadave të para të shekullit të 14-të, shqiptarët u vendosën në rajonin e Pogonit dhe prezenca e tyre vërehet përmes disa emrave të fshatrave të tilla si Delvinaq.[2] Ata fshatarë shqiptarë që u vendosën në pjesën jugore të Pogonit (në anën e Greqisë të sotme) u asimiluan gradualisht nga elementi greke.[2] Në fund të shekullit të 17-të, udhëtari osman Evlia Çelebi kaloi nëpër Delvinaq duke vërejtur se vendbanimi ishte "i begatë" dhe gjendet në rajonin Pogon, "i banuar nga kaurë (të pafe) shqiptarë" dhe fshati kishte 400 shtëpi, 6000 vreshta, 40-50 dyqane, 10 kisha dhe 3 hane.[3][4] Çelebi gjithashtu vuri në dukje se Delvinaqi ishte një "has" (pronë të ardhurash) i një admirali osman dhe administrohej nga një "vojvodë", me fshatin "e çliruar nga tatimet dhe ndërhyrjet e shtetit".[3] Në fillim të shekullit të 19-të, udhëtarët perëndimorë që kalonin nëpër rajon mendonin se prej Delvinaqit dhe duke shkuar në veri, ata po hynin në një vend tjetër, ndonëse kufijtë politikë nuk ekzistonin gjatë asaj kohe.[5] Një udhëtar britanik, John Hobhouse, vërejti se një "nocion mbizotëronte në mesin e popullit të vendit, se Shqipëria, ashtu siç quhet, ose të paktën, vendi amë i shqiptarëve, fillon nga qyteti Delvinaq...".[5]
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: Mungon ose është bosh parametri |language=
(Ndihmë!) "όπως και από αλβανικές ονομασίες χωριών: Ρομπάτες (= ρόμπα, ένδυμα), Δελβινακίων (= αμπελότοπος), Γούβερη (Γούβα - Κοίλωμα) κ.λ.π."
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(Ndihmë!)"Κατά τις πρώτες δεκαετίες του 14ου αιώνα τοποθετείται χρονικά η αλβανική διείσδυση στο χώρο της Πωγωνιανής, που μαρτυρείται και από ορισμένα τοπωνύμια όπως το Δελβινάκι (αμπελότοπος), το Γκουβέρι (γκούβα = κοίλωμα), αλλά και από τις μετακινήσείς αλβανικόν οικογενειών, οι οποίες εξισλαμήστικαν λόγω των σινθηκών που επικρατούσαν. Όσοι αλβανικοί πλιθυσμοί είηαν εγκατασταθεί στο νότιο τμήμα του Πωγωνίου, αφομοιώθηκαν βαθμιαία από το ελλινικό στοιχείο και εξελληνίστικαν."
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(Ndihmë!) "We returned by another road, passing through prosperous villages. After 4 hours of travelling westwards, we arrived at Delvinaki. It is a prosperous town on the border of the district of Pogonia and consists of 400 houses inhabited by infidels all Albanians and 6000 fertile vineyards. It has 40 to 50 shops, 10 churches and 3 hans. This town is a has belonging to the admiral of the Ottoman fleet and administered by a voyvoda. It is exempt from taxation and state interference."
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(Ndihmë!) "Το 1670 στο Δελβινάκι του Πωγωνιού, κατά τον Εβλιγιά Τσελεμπή (1928, σ. 682), «όλοι οι άπιστοι είναι Αρβανίτες»."
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: Mungon ose është bosh parametri |language=
(Ndihmë!) "By the beginning of the nineteenth century and later on, the British, French and [183] Austrian travellers who visited Lunxhëri, most of them arriving from Ioannina, described the Lunxhots as Albanian-speaking Orthodox Christians, and had the feeling that, starting north of Delvinaki, they were entering another country, although the political border did not exist at the time. Greek was not spoken as it was further south; there was a change in the way of life and manners of the peasants. As one traveller reported Hobhouse 1813:... Indeed you should be informed, that a notion prevails amongst the people of the country, that Albania, properly so called, or at least, the native country of the Albanians, begins from the town of Delvinaki; but never being able, as I have before hinted, to learn where the line of boundary is to be traced, I shall content myself with noticing the distinction in the above cursory manner."