
Etleua apo Etuta[1] ilire ka qënë gruaja[2] e mbretit Gent dhe bija e mbretit dardan Monunit II. Platori i vëllai i Gentit ishte i fejuar me të por Genti e tradhtoi dhe e vrau [3] kështu që mbreti Gent u martua me të ne këmbë të tij.

  • Pierre Cabanes (1988) Les illyriens de Bardulis à Genthios (IVe–IIe siècles avant J.-C.). Paris: SEDES. Regard sur l’histoire, 65. ISBN 2718138416
  • Neritan Ceka (2013) The Illyrians to the Albanians. Tirana: Migjeni. ISBN 9789928407467
  • N. G. L. Hammond (1966) The kingdoms of Illyria circa 400–167 B.C. The Annual of the British School at Athens, LXI 239–253.
  • Fanoula Papazoglou (1965) Les origines et la destinée de l’État illyrien: Illyrii proprie dicti. Historia – Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, XIV. fq. 143–179.
  • Stefanaq Pollo – Arben Puto (1981) The history of Albania from its origins to the present day. Ass. by Kristo Frasheri, Skënder Anamali; transl. by Carol Wiseman, Ginni Hole. London: Routledge & Kegan. ISBN 071000365X
  • Marjeta Šašel Kos (2013) The Roman conquest of Illyricum (Dalmatia and Pannonia) and the problem of the northeastern border of Italy. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, VII. fq. 169–200.
  • john J. Wilkes (1992) The Illyrians ISBN 0-631-19807-5
  1. ^ Rome's Mediterranean Empire Book 41-45 and the Periochae Livy, Jane D. Chaplin,ISBN 0-19-283340-5,2007,page 147,"to Etleua, a daughter of Monunius"
  2. ^ The Illyrians by J. J. Wilkes, 1992, ISBN 0-631-19807-5,page 85"... Longarus, Bato and Monunius, whose daughter Etuta was married to the Illyrian king Gentius, are all Illyrian.
  3. ^ The Illyrians by J. J. Wilkes,1992,ISBN 0-631-19807-5,page 172,"... Roman allies in the previous war against Macedonia. In 169 BC there was a report that Gentius had his brother Plator killed because his plan to marry Etuta, ..."