VGF induktivan nervnim faktorom rasta
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VGF ili VGF induktivan nervnim faktorom rasta je protein i neuropeptid koji učestvuje u regulaciji energijske homeostaze, metabolizma[1] i sinaptičke plastičnosti.[2] Ovaj protein su otkrili 1985. Levi et al.[3] u eksperimentu sa PC12 ćelijama. VGF gen kodira prekurzor koji se proteolitički deli u polipeptide različitih masa, koji imaju mnoštovo funkcija. Najbolje izučena funkcija je uloga TLQP-21 u kontroli apetita i inflamacije.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]

Izražavanje VGF i peptida izvedenih iz VGF je detektovano u delu neurona centralnog i perifernog nervnog sistema i specifičnim populacijama endokrinih ćelija u adenohipofizi, adrenalnoj meduli, gastrointestinalnom traktu, i pancreasu.[12] VGF izražavanje indukuju NGF, CREB i BDNF, a reguliše neurotrofin-3.[13][14] Fizičko vežvanje znatno povišava VGF izražavanje u hipokampalnom tkivu miševa i povećava iražavanje neurotrofne signalne kaskade za koju se smatra da je u osnovi dejstva antidepresanata.[15][16][17][18]

  1. ^ Hahm S, Mizuno TM, Wu TJ, Wisor JP, Priest CA, Kozak CA, Boozer CN, Peng B, McEvoy RC, Good P, Kelley KA, Takahashi JS, Pintar JE, Roberts JL, Mobbs CV, Salton SR (1999). „Targeted deletion of the Vgf gene indicates that the encoded secretory peptide precursor plays a novel role in the regulation of energy balance”. Neuron. 23 (3): 537—48. PMID 10433265. doi:10.1016/S0896-6273(00)80806-5. 
  2. ^ Alder J, Thakker-Varia S, Bangasser DA, Kuroiwa M, Plummer MR, Shors TJ, Black IB (2003). „Brain-derived neurotrophic factor-induced gene expression reveals novel actions of VGF in hippocampal synaptic plasticity”. Journal of Neuroscience. 23 (34): 10800—8. PMID 14645472. 
  3. ^ Levi A, Eldridge JD, Paterson BM (1985). „Molecular cloning of a gene sequence regulated by nerve growth factor”. Science. 229 (4711): 393—5. PMID 3839317. doi:10.1126/science.3839317. 
  4. ^ Bartolomucci A, La Corte G, Possenti R, Locatelli V, Rigamonti AE, Torsello A, Bresciani E, Bulgarelli I, Rizzi R, Pavone F, D'Amato FR, Severini C, Mignogna G, Giorgi A, Schininà ME, Elia G, Brancia C, Ferri GL, Conti R, Ciani B, Pascucci T, Dell'Omo G, Muller EE, Levi A, Moles A (2006). „TLQP-21, a VGF-derived peptide, increases energy expenditure and prevents the early phase of diet-induced obesity”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103 (39): 14584—9. PMC 1600003Слободан приступ. PMID 16983076. doi:10.1073/pnas.0606102103. 
  5. ^ Rizzi R, Bartolomucci A, Moles A, D'Amato F, Sacerdote P, Levi A, La Corte G, Ciotti MT, Possenti R, Pavone F (2008). „The VGF-derived peptide TLQP-21: a new modulatory peptide for inflammatory pain”. Neuroscience Letters. 441 (1): 129—33. PMID 18586396. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2008.06.018. 
  6. ^ Bartolomucci A, Moles A, Levi A, Possenti R (2008). „Pathophysiological role of TLQP-21: gastrointestinal and metabolic functions”. Eating and Weight Disorders : EWD. 13 (3): e49—54. PMID 19011364. 
  7. ^ Zhao Z, Lange DJ, Ho L, Bonini S, Shao B, Salton SR, Thomas S, Pasinetti GM (2008). „Vgf is a novel biomarker associated with muscle weakness in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), with a potential role in disease pathogenesis”. International Journal of Medical Sciences. 5 (2): 92—9. PMC 2323610Слободан приступ. PMID 18432310. 
  8. ^ Bartolomucci A, Possenti R, Levi A, Pavone F, Moles A (2007). „The role of the vgf gene and VGF-derived peptides in nutrition and metabolism”. Genes & Nutrition. 2 (2): 169—80. PMC 2474945Слободан приступ. PMID 18850173. doi:10.1007/s12263-007-0047-0. 
  9. ^ D'Amato F, Noli B, Brancia C, Cocco C, Flore G, Collu M, Nicolussi P, Ferri GL (2008). „Differential distribution of VGF-derived peptides in the adrenal medulla and evidence for their selective modulation”. The Journal of Endocrinology. 197 (2): 359—69. PMID 18434366. doi:10.1677/JOE-07-0346. 
  10. ^ Jethwa PH, Ebling FJ (2008). „Role of VGF-derived peptides in the control of food intake, body weight and reproduction”. Neuroendocrinology. 88 (2): 80—7. PMID 18408361. doi:10.1159/000127319. 
  11. ^ Bartolomucci A, Bresciani E, Bulgarelli I, Rigamonti AE, Pascucci T, Levi A, Possenti R, Torsello A, Locatelli V, Muller EE, Moles A (2009). „Chronic intracerebroventricular injection of TLQP-21 prevents high fat diet induced weight gain in fast weight-gaining mice”. Genes & Nutrition. 4 (1): 49—57. PMC 2654049Слободан приступ. PMID 19247701. doi:10.1007/s12263-009-0110-0. 
  12. ^ Levi A, Ferri GL, Watson E, Possenti R, Salton SR (2004). „Processing, distribution, and function of VGF, a neuronal and endocrine peptide precursor”. Cell. Mol. Neurobiol. 24 (4): 517—33. PMID 15233376. doi:10.1023/B:CEMN.0000023627.79947.22. 
  13. ^ Mandolesi G, Gargano S, Pennuto M, Illi B, Molfetta R, Soucek L, Mosca L, Levi A, Jucker R, Nasi S (2002). „NGF-dependent and tissue-specific transcription of vgf is regulated by a CREB-p300 and bHLH factor interaction”. FEBS Letters. 510 (1–2): 50—6. PMID 11755530. doi:10.1016/S0014-5793(01)03227-6. 
  14. ^ Bozdagi O, Rich E, Tronel S, Sadahiro M, Patterson K, Shapiro ML, Alberini CM, Huntley GW, Salton SR (2008). „The neurotrophin-inducible gene Vgf regulates hippocampal function and behavior through a brain-derived neurotrophic factor-dependent mechanism”. Journal of Neuroscience. 28 (39): 9857—69. PMC 2820295Слободан приступ. PMID 18815270. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3145-08.2008. 
  15. ^ Hunsberger JG, Newton SS, Bennett AH, Duman CH, Russell DS, Salton SR, Duman RS (2007). „Antidepressant actions of the exercise-regulated gene VGF”. Nature Medicine. 13 (12): 1476—82. PMID 18059283. doi:10.1038/nm1669. 
  16. ^ Thakker-Varia S, Krol JJ, Nettleton J, Bilimoria PM, Bangasser DA, Shors TJ, Black IB, Alder J (2007). „The neuropeptide VGF produces antidepressant-like behavioral effects and enhances proliferation in the hippocampus”. Journal of Neuroscience. 27 (45): 12156—67. PMID 17989282. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1898-07.2007. 
  17. ^ Malberg JE, Monteggia LM (2008). „VGF, a new player in antidepressant action?”. Science Signaling. 1 (18): pe19—pe19. PMC 2745068Слободан приступ. PMID 18460680. doi:10.1126/stke.118pe19. 
  18. ^ Thakker-Varia S, Alder J (2009). „Neuropeptides in depression: role of VGF”. Behavioural Brain Research. 197 (2): 262—78. PMC 2648305Слободан приступ. PMID 18983874. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2008.10.006.