Lebo mathosa

Lebogang Precious Mathosa (17 kholwani 1977 -  23 imphala 2006) [1]bekangumhlabeleli wase Ningizimu Afrika. Mathosa wacala umsebenti wakhe njengelunga lelasungula licembu lelidvumile lase Ningizimu Afrika iBoom Shaka nga 1994 aneminyaka lelishumi nesikhombisa, ngemuva kwekubukwa ngumkhiciti wemculo Don Laka kulenye iklabhu lese jozi[2]

Bekatiwa ngekugcwala kwakhe tinwele letimphunga, ngemicimbi yakhe yekuphila, ngelivi lakhe lelikhalako, ngekuhlale acambalala, ngekugcwala kwakhe ngemandla ekudansa kanye netimphahla takhe taseshashalazini letetfusako, futsi bekangumuntfu lobekaveta kutsi unebunkonkoni. Bekaphindze acatsaniswe nemculi wase Ningizimu Afrika Brenda Fassie lowasita emsebentini wakhe, lowashona nga 2004. Mathosa wawina umklomelo we Style Best Dressed Woman of the Year ngemnyaka wa 2001, waphindze wakhetfwa liphephandzaba iFHM njengalomunye wemakhosikati lasemtsetfweni e-Afrika.[3]

Mathosa washona engotini yemoto ngemuva kwekusebenta kahle, aneminyaka lengu 29 ngesikhatsi umshayeli wakhe alahlekelwa kulawula imoto yakhe, i-Toyota Prado, lebebahamba ngayo ku-N3 Highway e-East Rand. [4]

imitfombo lwati

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  1. Mhlambi, Thokozani. "'Kwaitofabulous': The study of a South African urban genre", Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa, vol. 1 (2004): 116–27.
  2. Mabugane, Zine. "Globalization and Gangster Rap: Hip Hop in the Post-Apartheid City", in Dipannita Basu and Sidney J. Lemelle (eds), The Vinyl Ain't Final: Hip Hop and the Globalization of Black Popular Culture, London; Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press, 2006, pp. 208–29.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebo_Mathosa#cite_ref-4
  4. Sekudu, Bonolo (7 November 2019). "Viewers react to the first episode of the Lebo Mathosa biopic on BET Africa". Channel. Retrieved 29 December 201