Kamo Mphela

Kamogelo Mphela (ya hlahileng ka la 29 Pulungoana 1999),[1] ea tsebahalang ka lebitso la Kamo Mphela, ke sebini le setantshi sa Afrika Borwa. E ile ya e-ba motho ya tummeng marangrang a dikgokahano tsa setjhaba ka mora hore a kenye video ya motjeko wa hae akhaonteng ya hae ya litaba tsa sechaba.[2]

Bophelo ba bongwaneng le thuto

[fetola | fetola mohloli]

Kamo Mphela o hlahetse Soweto, Afrika Borwa mme o holetse Emdeni, Soweto. O ile a ya Boston Media House ho ya ithuta metjha ya ditaba..[3]


[fetola | fetola mohloli]

Takatso ya hae ya ho tantša e qadile a sa le monyenyane, ha a ne a tsamaua le ntatae ya neng a sebetsa YFM le liketsahalong tseo a neng a tla di etsa sethaleng le ho tantša tse ileng tsa qetella di entse hore a hlahelle haholoanyane ka litshwantshiso. Hamorao o ile a tuma ka ho beha livideo ho Instagram moo a ileng a bontsha bokgoni ba hae ba ho tantša.[4] Pele a tswela pele ka mosebetsi wa hae wa ho tantša o ne a kile a leka ho bapala mme a ba le monyetla wa ho ba motlatsi wa thelevishene Isibaya, empa hamorao o ile a hlokomela hore e ne e se bakeng sa hae mme a qala ho bapala e le sebini sa li-gigs.[3] O ne a tsejwa e le "Queen of Amapiano" ka lebaka la tsebo ya hae ya ho tantša.[5]

Ka 2019, o ile a saena ho Major League Music mme a lokolla Ep ya hae e bitsqang, Twentee tlasa label.[6] O boetse a lokolotse dipina tse kang Suka Emabozen le Menemene hape o sebelisane le sebini sa Afrika Boroa Busiswa pina e le 'ngoe ea Sbwl[7] mme o hlahile ho MFR Soulz single Amanikiniki boemong ba #1 ho Good Hope FM's SA House Music Top 10 Chart.[8][9] O boetse a bapala le ho sebetsa le libini tsa lehae tse kang Nadia Nakai le Killer Kau. O 'nile a hlahisoa e le sebini le sebini lipineng tsa amapiano tse kang Sukendleleni le Labantwana Ama Uber.[3] Ntle le amapiano, o boetse a tants'etse le mefuta e meng ea 'mino e tsebahalang Afrika Boroa e kenyelletsang Gqom, kwaito le pantsula.[2]


[fetola | fetola mohloli]
  • Twentee (2019)[10]
  • Nkulunkulu (2021)

Mehlodi le Ditlhahiso

[fetola | fetola mohloli]
  1. https://www.sarichandfamous.com/2020/11/29/kamo-mphela-celebrates-21st-birthday/
  2. 2.0 2.1 https://briefly.co.za/86953-kamo-mphela-bags-awesome-ambassadorship-shows-bagging-face.html
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamo_Mphela#cite_note-:1-3
  4. https://www.timeslive.co.za/tshisa-live/tshisa-live/2019-11-15-listen--kamo-mphela-if-youre-doing-normal-things-people-wont-see-you-as-different/
  5. https://www.zkhiphani.co.za/the-rise-of-kamo-mphela/
  6. https://www.dailysun.co.za/dailysun/Celebs/major-league-djs-signed-kamo-mphela-20191116
  7. https://www.okayafrica.com/busiswa-and-kamo-mphela-single-sbwl/
  8. "Archive copy". Archived from the original on 2020-10-14. Retrieved 2022-08-01. 
  9. "Archive copy". Archived from the original on 2020-09-20. Retrieved 2022-08-01. 
  10. "Archive copy". Archived from the original on 2020-10-31. Retrieved 2022-08-01.