Komiteu Internasional Husus keur Interférensi Radio (disingget CISPR dicokot tina ngaran organisasi dina basa Perancis, Comité international spécial des perturbations radioélectriques) nyaéta hiji organisasi nu patali jeung urusan ngamekarkeun norma pikeun ngadetéksi, ngukur sarta ngabandingkeun interférensi éléktromagnétik dina hiji parabot listrik. Anggotana sabagéan ogé mangrupa anggota International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). CISPR diadegkeun taun 1934.

CISPR dibagi jadi genep sub-komiteu, anu masing-masingna ngurus jejer nu béda-béda:

  • A - urusan ngukur interférensi radio katut métode statistik
  • B - urusan ngukur interférensi nu patali jeung parabot industri, saintifik atawa médis (ISM), parabot tegangan luhur, jaringan listrik, atawa parabot traksi
  • D - urusan interférensi dina kandaraan motor (nu maké béngsin jeung listrik)
  • F - urusan interférensi dina parabor rumah tangga, tool, jeung alat penerangan (pencahayaan)
  • H - urusan wates-wates (limit) keur mroteksi frékuénsi radio
  • I - urusan kompatibilitas éléktromagnétik parabot téhnologi informasi (IT) (misalna komputer), parabot multimédia / hi-fi katut parabot radio (panarima)
Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.

CISPR's publications are basically norms regarding méasurement of radiated and conducted interference. They specify cable lengths, méasurement device configurations and grounding méasures, so that results become more comparable. The norms also concern themselves with immunity from external interference. With the CISPR norms, companies can require compliance to a specific norm from a supplier, instéad of doing all the méasurements internally (and having to develop an internal norm to be able to compare their own méasurements).

Until now, over thirty CISPR standards have been published. Some of the better known are:

  • CISPR 10 - Organization, Rules and Procedures of the CISPR. (1971)
  • CISPR 11 - Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Radio-Frequency Equipment -- Electromagnetic Disturbance Characteristics -- Limits and Methods of Measurement.
  • CISPR 14 - Electromagnetic Compatibility -- Requirements for Household Appliance, Electric Tools, and Similar Apparatus: 1) Emissions, 2) Immunity.
  • CISPR 22 - Information Technology Equipment -- Radio Disturbance Characteristics -- Limits and Methods of Measurement.
  • CISPR 24 - Information Technology Equipment -- Immunity characteristics -- Limits and Methods of Measurement.
  • CISPR 25 - Radio disturbance characteristics for the protection of receivers used on board vehicles, boats, and on devices -- Limits and Methods of Measurement.

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