All participants in the study, even those considered "typical-use", took part in Arbeitsgruppe NFP's teaching sessions prior to application of the method (see study section "Teaching the STM")
The primary author of the study, P. Frank-Herrmann, is a member of Forschungsgruppe NFP[1] which cooperates with the Malteser Arbeitsgruppe NFP[2]เก็บถาวร 2017-12-10 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน[3]. She also actively recommends the Sensiplan brand on her homepage[4]เก็บถาวร 2017-12-10 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน. Sensiplan teachers licensed by Malteser Arbeitsgruppe NFP sell teaching session packages for 120 EUR[5]; the group also sells teacher certificates for 500-800 EUR[6] and licenses the Sensiplan brand to vendors of an app (myNFP) and monitoring device (OvulaRing), as well as to teachers of the method.
The study considered only the teaching. The sensiplan app and measurement device where not tested, neither alone, nor in combination with the teaching
Malteser gGmbh is a tax-exempt, but for-profit company, owned by a catholic association. Arbeitsgruppe NFP is controlled by the Episcopal Conference of Germany[7]เก็บถาวร 2017-12-11 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน The catholic church has moral teachings that consider any method other than NFP as immoral.
The study notes anomalies in the results. Additional condom use made no difference: "The authors were surprised"; observed pregnancy rate for couples that had unprotected sex during the fertile period was 7.5% (instead of the typical 85%): "surprisingly low"; no difference for the teaching phase: "as low as in the subsequent cycles". The authors offer only speculative explanations for these anomalies.
The study stresses that it was not a randomized controlled trial.
The study excluded persons younger than 19 years.
Of 900 women who were admitted to the study, 671 dropped out before the end. The most frequently named reason was a wish to discontinue participating in the study despite being satisfied with the method.
The homepage of Sensiplan licensee OvulaRing has a disclaimer statement saying that typical-use failure rate of the symptothermal method is considered to be up to 20%[8]เก็บถาวร 2017-12-10 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน
↑The pregnancy rate applies until the user reaches six months postpartum, or until menstruation resumes, whichever comes first. If menstruation occurs earlier than six months postpartum, the method is no longer effective. For users for whom menstruation does not occur within the six months: after six months postpartum, the method becomes less effective.
↑ 3.03.1In the effectiveness study of Lea's Shield, 84% of participants were parous. The unadjusted pregnancy rate in the six-month study was 8.7% among spermicide users and 12.9% among non-spermicide users. No pregnancies occurred among nulliparous users of the Lea's Shield. Assuming the effectiveness ratio of nulliparous to parous users is the same for the Lea's Shield as for the Prentif cervical cap and the Today contraceptive sponge, the unadjusted six-month pregnancy rate would be 2.2% for spermicide users and 2.9% for those who used the device without spermicide.
↑No formal studies meet the standards of Contraceptive Technology for determining typical effectiveness. The typical effectiveness listed here is from the CDC's National Survey of Family Growth, which grouped symptoms-based methods together with calendar-based methods. See Fertility awareness#Effectiveness.
↑Users may observe one of the three primary fertility signs. Basal body temperature (BBT) and cervical position are checked once per day. Cervical mucus is checked before each urination, and vaginal sensation is observed throughout the day. The observed sign or signs are recorded once per day.
↑Strictly speaking, abstinence pledges are not a method of birth control, as their purpose is preservation of the virginity of unmarried girls, with prevention of pregnancies only being a side-effect. This also means that they are restricted to the time before marriage.
↑Several factors may contribute to the fact that the placebo was observed to be significantly less effective than unprotected intercourse: 1. The study was not representative, as it only considered women of low socioeconomic level who had aborted spontaneously and desired pregnancy, 2. the placebo may have caused behavioral differences compared to unprotected intercourse: the couples might assume to be protected and thus be less relucatant to have sex and/or be in a different psychological mood that increases fertility via psychosomatic action
↑Puri V (1988). "Results of multicentric trial of Centchroman". ใน Dhwan B. N.; และคณะ (บ.ก.). Pharmacology for Health in Asia : Proceedings of Asian Congress of Pharmacology, 15–19 January 1985, New Delhi, India. Ahmedabad: Allied Publishers.
Nityanand S (1990). "Clinical evaluation of Centchroman: a new oral contraceptive". ใน Puri, Chander P.; Van Look; Paul F. A. (บ.ก.). Hormone Antagonists for Fertility Regulation. Bombay: Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility.
↑ 9.09.1Trussell, James (2004). "Contraceptive Efficacy". ใน Hatcher, Robert A.; Trussell, James; Nelson, Anita L. (บ.ก.). Contraceptive Technology (18th ed.). New York: Ardent Media. pp. 773–845. ISBN0-9664902-6-6.
↑Winer, Rachel L.; Hughes, James P.; Feng, Qinghua; O'Reilly, Sandra; Kiviat, Nancy B.; Holmes, King K.; Koutsky, Laura A. (2006). "Condom Use and the Risk of Genital Human Papillomavirus Infection in Young Women". New England Journal of Medicine. 354 (25): 2645–54. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa053284. PMID16790697.
↑Hogewoning, Cornelis J.A.; Bleeker, Maaike C.G.; Van Den Brule, Adriaan J.C.; Voorhorst, Feja J.; Snijders, Peter J.F.; Berkhof, Johannes; Westenend, Pieter J.; Meijer, Chris J.L.M. (2003). "Condom use promotes regression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and clearance of human papillomavirus: A randomized clinical trial". International Journal of Cancer. 107 (5): 811–6. doi:10.1002/ijc.11474. PMID14566832.
↑Kestelman, Philip; Trussell, James (1991). "Efficacy of the Simultaneous Use of Condoms and Spermicides". Family Planning Perspectives. 23 (5): 226–7, 232. doi:10.2307/2135759. JSTOR2135759. PMID1743276.
↑Frank-Herrmann, P.; Heil, J.; Gnoth, C.; Toledo, E.; Baur, S.; Pyper, C.; Jenetzky, E.; Strowitzki, T.; และคณะ (2007). "The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple's sexual behaviour during the fertile time: A prospective longitudinal study". Human Reproduction. 22 (5): 1310–9. doi:10.1093/humrep/dem003. PMID17314078.
↑Cleland, Kelly; Peipert, Jeffrey F.; Westhoff, Carolyn; Spear, Scott; Trussell, James (2011). "Family Planning as a Cost-Saving Preventive Health Service". New England Journal of Medicine. 364 (18): e37. doi:10.1056/NEJMp1104373. PMID21506736.