คำ สงกรานต์ ยังถูกบรรจุอยู่ในหนังสือ และพจนานุกรมภาษาต่างประเทศโดยยังคงความหมายเดิมว่าเป็นวันปีใหม่ของไทย อาทิ ฝรั่งเศส: La fête du Songkran,[14]ดัตช์: Sonkraen,[15]ญี่ปุ่น: ソンクラーン,[16]จีน: 宋干节[17] และ เกาหลี: 송끄란[18] ยกตัวอย่าง เช่น พจนานุกรม Oxford English Dictionary ให้ความหมายว่า "The festival of the Thai New Year, ..."[19]
De Beschryving van Japan (The History of Japan) ของหมอแกมป์เฟอร์เขียนจดบันทึกเมื่อ พ.ศ. 2233 รัชกาลสมเด็จพระเพทราชาสะกดว่า Sonkraen[50] และบรรยายถึงพิธีประจำปีของชาวไทยซึ่งทำเมื่อขึ้นปีใหม่เรียกว่า สงกรานต์ (Sonkraen)[51]
จินดามะณี ตำราไวยากรณ์ไทยฉบับพระสังฆราชปัลเลอกัวซ์[52] (Grammatica Linguæ Thai Auctore D. J. Bapt. Pallegoix) (พ.ศ. 2393) แต่งในรัชสมัยพระบาทสมเด็จพระนั่งเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว รัชกาลที่ 3 สะกดว่า สงกรานต (ไม่มีการันต์) และ Songkran
สัพะ พะจะนะ พาสา ไท[53] (พ.ศ. 2397) ฉบับพระสังฆราชปัลเลอกัวซ์ บาทหลวงคณะมิสซังต่างประเทศแห่งกรุงปารีสซึ่งเข้ามาพำนักในสยามตั้งแต่สมัยรัชกาลที่ 3 เป็นพจนานุกรมซึ่งแต่งในรัชสมัยพระบาทสมเด็จพระจอมเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว รัชกาลที่ 4 เป็นหนังสือพจนานุกรม 4 ภาษา ประกอบด้วย ภาษาไทย ภาษาอังกฤษ ภาษาฝรั่งเศส และภาษาละติน หนังสือระบุความหมายคำ สงกรานต์ สะกดเป็นภาษาอังกฤษว่า SONGKRAN ความหมายในภาษาละติน:- "Ad alium locum pergere; angelus qui praesidere anno." ความหมายในภาษาฝรั่งเศส:- "Aller dans un autre endroit; ange qui preside a l'anne." ความหมายในภาษาอังกฤษ:- "To go to another place; angel preside over the year."
↑A Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. (2001, Jan 1). Thai-Yunnan Project: The Tai World: A Digest of Articles from the Thai-Yunnan Project Newsletter, in Memory of Gehan Wijeyewardene, by Gehan Wijeyewardene, Andrew Walker and Nicholas Tapp, Dept. of Anthropology. Oakland, CALIFORNIA: Masalai Press. 272 pp. p. 78. "water-splashing at Songkran the symbol of Tai."
Brehm, W., Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Yuto Kitamura, Shigeru Aoyagi, and Thongchai Winichakul. (2022). Memory in the Mekong: Regional Identity, Schools, and Politics in Southeast Asia. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University. 200 pp. ISBN978-080-7-76636-1. p. 88. "Thai and Tai people are alternately referred to, we can observe that another criterion for being Thai is “Thai culture and customs,” with an example of the celebration of Songkran Day."
↑V. S. Bhaskar, Government of Assam, India. (2009). "Festivals: Songkran", Faith & Philosophy of Buddhism. New Delhi, India: Kalpaz Publications. 312 pp. pp. 261-262. ISBN978-817-8-35722-5. "Songkran is a Thai word which means 'move'..."
Taipei City Government, Taiwan (ROC). (2008). Teipei: 2008 Yearbook. [臺北市年鑑2008-英文版 (In Chinese)]. Taipei: Taipei City Government Editorial Group. 386 pp. ISBN978-986-0-14421-5. p. 269. "(Songkran) is in April, and Thai people celebrate their new year by splashing water at each other, hence the Thai name Songkran, i.e., "Water Splashing Festival."
Komlosy, A. (2002). Images Of The Dai : The Aesthetics Of Gender And Identity In Xishuangbanna. [Doctoral Dissertation, University of St. Andrews]. University of St. Andrews Research Repository. 'https://hdl.handle.net/10023/7293'. p. 334. "The term Songkran is a Thai word meaning to move, here it refers to the Sun which moves into the sign of Aries at this time of the year". pp. 334–335. "The Thai term Songkran is now used by many Southeast Asia specialists to refer to the New Year festival held in many countries, including Myanmar, Laos and China."
Rooney, Dawn F. (2008). Ancient Sukhothai: Thailand's Cultural Heritage. Bangkok: River Books Press. 247 pp. ISBN978-974-9-86342-8. p. 36. "'Songkran' is a Thai name that derives from a Sanskrit word meaning 'to move to', a reference to the sun's movements.
Anouska Komlosy. "Procession and Water Splashing: Expressions of Locality and Nationality during Dai New Year in Xishuangbanna: Songkran", The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 10(2). (2004, June). London: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. JSTOR #i370994. p. 357. "The term Songkran is a Thai word meaning ' to move ' , and it refers here to the Sun, which moves into the sign of Aries at this time of the year."
ประคอง นิมมานเหมินท์. "Myth and Ritual: A Study of the Songkran Festival", วารสารราชบัณฑิตยสถาน, 29(1–2), (มกราคม-มีนาคม 2547). หน้า 345–350. "Songkran is a Thai word which means of movement."
Malaysia, Jabatan Perpaduan Negara Dan Integrasi Nasional (JPNIN). (1985). Festivals and religious occasions in Malaysia. (First series). Kuala Lumpur: The National Unity Department of Malaysia, Prime Minister's Dept. 36 pp. p. 26. "‘SONGKRAN’ is a Traditional New Year of the Thai people and this day normally fulls in the month of April. 'SONGKRAN' is a Thai word meaning change of exchange."
Sir. Philip John Newling Ward, Maj. Gen. (1974). "THE SONGKRAN FESTIVAL", Bangkok: Portrait of a City. Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Oleander Press. 136 pp. p. 111. ISBN978-090-2-67544-5. "Thai word ' Songkran ' literally means a move or change".
James Hastings, John Alexander Selbie, Louis Herbert Gray. (1912). "FESTIVALS AND FACTS (Siamese)", Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. p. 886.
↑Mattiebelle Gittinger Obituary and Lefferts, Jr. H. Leedom. (1992, Jan 1). Textiles and the Tai Experience in Southeast Asia: Catalog of an exhibition held at the Textile Museum, Washington, D.C., Oct. 2, 1992–Jan. 3, 1993 and at other museums. Washington, D.C.: The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum (Washington, D.C.). 264 pp. p. 90 Ref. 23. ISBN978-087-4-05031-8. "Songkran is the Siamese word for this period."
↑Yavaprapas, S., Ministry of Culture (Thailand). (2004). Songkran Festival. (2rd Ed.). Bangkok: Ministry of Culture (Thailand). 95 pp. pp. 20-22. ISBN978-974-7-10351-9. "Songkran is "to progress". Sanskrit in origin, the word can also be taken to mean that "to set up" The original word "Sankranti" in Sanskrit or "Sankhara" in Pali."
↑DE FELS, JACQUELINE. (1993). Promotion de la littérature en Thaïlande vers les prix littéraires (1882-1982). Paris: INALCO. p. 620.
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↑He, Tian, Fang Ye, Zhou and Institute of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. (2016). 「『第一章、 概 览』、 泰国 (Thailand)」. Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press Liguozhi Publishing Center. p. 51. ISBN978-750-9-78859-2
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↑"Songkran". (noun) in Oxford English Dictionary (Online). Retrieved on 17 April 2024.
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↑The Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (SAC). (2007). Inscriptions: Wat Phra That Choeng Chum, Epigraph Line 11. Bangkok: SAC. cited in Inscriptions in Thailand Database Project Staffs (2555 B.E.), SAC., and Khom Script, 15th-16th Buddhist century. Bangkok: The National Library of Thailand, NLT, 2529, pp. 284-286. "จำมลกฺรานฺต นุ ชา ปี ทุกฺ นา องฺคุยฺ". (Epigraph), "แด่สงกรานต์ และไว้ประจำแก่". (Translation).
↑Dan Beach Bradley et al, American Missionary Association. (1861). "PRINCIPAL HOLIDAYS OBSERVED BY SIAMESE AND OTHERS", Bangkok Calendar: For the year of Our Lord 1861, Coresponding to the Siamese Civil Era 1222-3 and Nearly so to the Chinese Cycle Era 4498, ... Compiled by D.B.B. (Dan Beach Bradley). Bangkok: American Missionary Association. p. 58. "Songkran—Occurs usually a week or two after Siamese New–Year, it being of 3 days continnanee, and much observed." pp. 113, 127, 136. "SONGKRAN—Will occur about April 12th."
Gray, John Henry. (1879). "Chapter V.: SIAM", A Journey Round the World in the Years 1875-1876-1877. LONDON: Harrison and Sons. 612 pp. p. 137. "This privilege is exercised by the people during the festivals, which are respectively termed the Chinese new year, the Siamese new year, and Songkran."
Jacob T. Child, Col. (1892). "SONGKRAN HOLIDAYS", The Pearl of Asia: Reminiscences of the Court of a Supreme Monarch; Or, Five Years in Siam. CHICAGO: Donohue, Henneberry & Co. 339 pp. pp. 263.
Ach Vidyagama (George Bradley McFarland), Phra. (1944). "สงกรานต์", Thai-English Dictionary. California: Stanford University Press. 1,058 pp. p. 802. ISBN978-080-4-70383-3
↑Engelbert Kaempfer, John Gaspar Scheuchzer and Sir Hans Sloane. (1729). De beschryving van Japan. Door ENGELBERT KÆMPFER, M.D. Geneesheer van bet Hollandſche Ge P. (Translated by John Gaspar Scheuchzer). Netherlands: Gosse en J. Neaulme. 550 pp. p. 29. "Behalven deze hebben zy fommige jaarlykſche plechtige Feeſtdagen, by voorbeeld een in ’t begin van 't jaar, genaamt Sonkraen, een ander Kitimbac genoemt, ook wel ..."
"Songkran" (noun) in Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved on 17 April 2024. cited in Engelbert Kaempfer. (1727). The history of Japan: giving an account of the ancient and present state and government of that empire (translated by John Gaspar Scheuchzer). "They [sc. the Siamites] have besides several yearly solemn festivals, as for instance, at the beginning of the year, call'd Sonkraen [Ger. Sonkraan]."
↑Jean-Baptiste Pallegoix. (1850). "Utendum est ส in sequentibus", Grammatica Linguæ Thai. AUCTORE D. J. BAPT. PALLEGOIX EPISCOPO MALLENSI VICARIO APOSTOLICO SIAMENSI. Ex typographià collegii Assumptionis B. M. V. in civitate rcgià Krüng Thèph mahá nàkhon sí Ajùthâja, vulgó. BANGKOK: Anno Domini. p. 7 "สีห ปราช สงกรานต, Sí prãt sôngkran"
↑Adolf Philipp Wilhelm Bastian. (1836). Reisen in Siam im Jahre 1863: nebst einer Karte Hinterindiens. German: Costenoble. 540 pp. p. 303. "Der Jahresanfang wird bei zwei Gelegenheiten gefeiert, indem die Siamesen auch für das Neujahr älteren Stiles, das sogenannte Krut, das später auf den Songkran verlegt wurde, einen Festtag beibchalten haben." (คำแปล) "The beginning of the year is celebrated on two occasions, with the Siamese also maintaining a day of celebration for the older style New Year, the so-called Krut, which was later moved to Songkran.
↑Jacob T. Child, Col. (1892). "SONGKRAN HOLIDAYS", The Pearl of Asia: Reminiscences of the Court of a Supreme Monarch; Or, Five Years in Siam. CHICAGO: Donohue, Henneberry & Co. 339 pp. pp. 263.
↑Graham, A.W., M.R.A.S. (1912) "Brahmanic Observances", Siam: A Handbook of Practical, Commercial, and Political Information with 99 Illustrations and a Map. LONDON: Alexander Moring, Ltd., The De La More Press. 637 pp. p. 522. "The Sôngkran festival marks the beginning of the new year"
↑H.H. Prince Bidyalabh Bridhyakon. (1969). Collected Articles By H.H. Prince Dhani Nivat Kromamun Bidayalabh Brdihyakorn, Honorary President The Siam Society: Reprinted From The Journal of The Siam Society on The Occasion of His Eighty-fourth Birthday. Bangkok: Siam Society. 194 pp. p. 25. "according to this the date of the entry of the sun into Aries (April the 13th) was popularly observed under the name of Songkrant (Sankranti)."
Samuel J. Smith. (1871). "Article 75 Summary of News (Weekending Feb. 23rd, 1871.): SIAMESE KRUT", The Siam Repository: A Summary of Asiatic Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 4. by Samuel J. Smith for the Year of Our Lord 1871. Bangkok: S.J. Smith's Office. p. 225. "At the palace will be publicly announced the precise day of Songkrant, the Siamese astronomical new year day. It is said it will occur this year April 9th."
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). "SONGKRANT FESTIVAL IN THAILAND", Unesco Features: A Fortnightly Press Service, 409(1963). p. 20. "Songkrant is very old and probably came to Thailand from Southern India, Songkrant (the accent is on the second syllable, the 't' is not pronounced) was a mythical character."
The Siam Society Under Royal Patronage. "No. IV. The "Toa Songkrant". ตัวสงกรานต์", The Journal of the Siam Society, Vol. 10., 1935. p. 63. "about the time of the Songkrant, that is March and April, for Songkrant in Siam falls on the 13th April."
↑Kamarupa Anusandhana Samiti (Journal of the Assam Research Society), Vol. 38, 2007. p. 76. ISSN2349-7459. "Tai New Year’s festival or Water spraying festival commence from the day of sangken or sangkran or sankranti. The day is open on the first full moon of April."