Norman Itzkowitz

Norman Itzkowitz (6 Mayıs 1931 - 20 Ocak 2019), Princeton Üniversitesi'nde Yakın Doğu Araştırmaları profesörü olan Amerikalı bir akademisyendi. Yakın Doğu araştırmalarına psikanalitik bakış açısı kazandıran bir Osmanlı tarihçisiydi.

Itzkowitz 6 Mayıs 1931'de New York'ta işçi sınıfına mensup Yahudi bir ailede dünyaya geldi.[1] 1952'de kazandığı Buitoni Bursu sayesinde, kültürel ve akademik deneyim elde ettiği Perugia Yabancılar Üniversitesi'nde öğrenim gördü. 1975-1989 yılları arasında Princeton Wilson Koleji'nde hocalık yaptı. Bunu yaparken, öğrencilere kolej hayatının sosyal, kültürel ve akademik yönlerini yönetmede liderlik becerileri geliştirmelerine yardımcı oldu.

Itzkowitz, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve Yakın Doğu çalışmaları hakkında birçok kitap ve makale yayımladı. Çalışmalarının çoğunu Robert Roswell Palmer, Gordon Craig, Cyril Black, Osmanlı tarihi danışmanı Lewis V. Thomas ve psikiyatrist ve psikanalist Vamık Volkan ile yaptı. Ermeni Soykırımı iddialarını reddetti.[2] 20 Ocak 2019'da 87 yaşında hayatını kaybetti.[3]

Ödüller, şeref payeleri ve bilim kurulu üyelikleri

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
  • Varsity Letters in Fencing and Lacrosse, CCNY
  • Phi Beta Kappa, CCNY, 1952
  • Buitoni Scholarship, Study in Italy, CCNY, Summer 1952
  • Cromwell Medal in History, CCNY, 1953
  • Near East Fellow, Princeton University, 1953–54
  • Ford Foundation Fellow, 1954–59
  • Carnegie Teaching Fellow, CCNY, Summer 1959
  • Procter & Gamble Fellow, Princeton University, 1964–65
  • HEW, Near East Central Grant for Study Abroad, 1964–65; 1969–70
  • SSRC, Travel Grant, 1969–70
  • Littauer Foundation Fellow, 1970; 1974
  • Center for International Studies Fellow, Summer 1978
  • Director, NEH Summer Seminar for Secondary and Elementary School Teachers, Summer 1983 on The Ottoman Legacy in the Modern Middle East
  • Director, NEH Summer Institute for Secondary and Elementary School Teachers, Summer 1986 on Islam: History, Culture, and Religion
  • Director, NEH Summer Institute for College Teachers, Summer 1987 on Insights into Ottoman Statecraft for College Teachers of European History
  • Director, NEH Summer Seminar for Secondary and Elementary School Teachers, Summer 1988 on The Impact of the Islamic Historical Experience on the Contemporary Near East
  • Director, NEH Summer Institute for College Teachers, Summer 1989 on The Moderniation of the Ottoman Empire: Tanzimat and the Eastern Question
  • Director, NEH Summer Institute for Secondary School Teachers, Summer 1990 on a Comparison Between the Imperial Institutions of the Ottoman Empire and Ming China
  • Director, NEH Summer Institute for College Teachers, Summer 1992 on a Comparison Between the Imperial Institutions of the Ottoman Empire and Ming China

Yayınlarından bazıları

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
  • Elementary Turkish, by Lewis V. Thomas, edited and revised by Norman Itzkowitz, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1967). Reprinted in revised edition by Dover Press, New York, 1985.
  • Mübadele: An Ottoman-Russian Exchange of Ambassadors, (with Max Mote), (University of Chicago Press, New York, 1972).
  • A Study of Naima, by Lewis V. Thomas, edited by Norman Itzkowitz, (New York University Press, New York, 1972).
  • The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age, by Halil Inalcik, trans. by Norman Itzkowitz and Colin Imber, (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1973).
  • Ottoman Empire and Islamic Tradition, (A.A. Knopf Inc., New York, 1973). Reprinted by the University of Chicago Press, 1980. Turkish trans. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve İslami Gelenek, Çıdam Yayınları, 1989. Chinese translation, Chinese University of Kong, 1987.
  • Psychological Dimensions of Near Eastern Studies, edited by L. Carl Brown and Norman Itzkowitz, (The Darwin Press, Princeton, N.J., 1977).
  • The Immortal Atatürk: A Psychobiography, (with Dr. Vamık Volkan), (The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill., 1984. Paperback edition, 1986. Turkish translation by Bağlam Press, Istanbul, 1998).
  • Modernization in the Middle East: The Ottoman Empire and its Afro-Asian Successors, ed. Cyril E. Black and L. Carl Brown, (Darwin Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1992).
  • Turks and Greeks: Neighbours in Conflict with Vamık Volkan, (Eothen Press, Cambridge, England, 1994). Turkish translation, Bağlam Press, 1998.
  • Richard Nixon: A Psychobiography, with Vamık Volkan and Andrew Dod, (Columbia University Press, New York, 1997).
  • The Balkans (A study kit for high school students), (Golden Owl Press, Amawalk, New York, 2000).
  • "Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Realties", Studia Islamica, fas. 16, (1962), pp. 73–94.
  • "Health, Education and Welfare--Ottoman Style", Midway, Vol., No. 3, (Winter 1968), pp. 59–68.
  • "Kimsiniz Bey Efendi, or a Look at Tanzimat through Namier-colored Glasses", Near East Round Table, ed., R. Bayly Winder (New York University Press, 1969), pp. 41–52.
  • "The End of the Ottoman Empire", History of the First World War, Vol. 8, No. 8 (1971), pp. 3351–3355
  • "The Office of Şeyh ül-Islâm and Tanzimat: A Prosopographic Enquiry", (with Joel Shinder), Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 8 (January 1972), No. 1, pp.&nbsp93–101
  • "Ankara", Encyclopædia Britannica (1974), I, 927-34.
  • "The Ottoman Empire", The World of Islam, ed. Bernard Lewis, (Thames and Hudson, London, 1976), pp. 273–300.
  • "Men and Ideas in the Eighteenth- Century Ottoman Empire", Studies in Eighteenth-Century Islamic History, ed. By Thomas Naff and Roger Owen, (Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, Ill., 1977), pp. 15–26.
  • "The Problem of Perspectives", Imperial Legacy, ed. by L. Carl Brown, (Columbia University Press, New York, New York, 1995), pp. 18–30.
  • "Turkish and Greek Identities and a Comparison Between Them" (with Vamık Volkan), Proceedings of the First International Congress on Cypriot Studies, ed. by Emel Doğramacı, William Haney, Güray König, (Eastern Mediterranean University Press, 1997, Gazimağusa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) pp. 179–216.
  • Long articles for Encarta on "The Ottoman Empire", "The Spread of Islam", "Istanbul"
  1. ^ "Directory of Foreign Area Training Fellows, 1952-1959". 29 Ocak 2019 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 1 Haziran 2020. 
  2. ^ "Ermenilere Ohio darbesi". 1 Haziran 2020 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 1 Haziran 2020. 
  3. ^ "Norman Itzkowitz". 24 Temmuz 2020 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 1 Haziran 2020.