
Biyolojik sınıflandırma Bu sınıflandırmayı düzenle
Âlem: Animalia
Şube: Annelida
Sınıf: Polychaeta
Takım: Phyllodocida
Familya: Polynoidae

Polynoidae, Phyllodocida takımına bağlı bir hayvan familyasıdır.[1]

Polynoidae familyasına bağlı cinsler (2023):

  1. Adyte - Saint-Joseph, 1899
  2. Alentia - Malmgren, 1865
  3. Alentiana - Hartman, 1942
  4. Allmaniella - McIntosh, 1885
  5. Andresia - Prenant, 1924
  6. Antinoana - Hartman and Fauchald, 1971
  7. Antinoe - Kinberg, 1855
  8. Antinoella - Augener, 1928
  9. Arcteobia - Annenkova, 1937
  10. Arctonoe - Chamberlin, 1920
  11. Arctonoella - Buzhinskaja, 1967
  12. Australaugeneria - Pettibone, 1969
  13. Austrolaenilla - Bergstroem, 1916
  14. Barrukia - Bergstroem, 1916
  15. Bathyadmetella - Pettibone, 1967
  16. Bathymoorea - Pettibone, 1967
  17. Benhamipolynoe - Pettibone, 1970
  18. Bouchiria - Wesenberg-Lund, 1949
  19. Bylgides - Chamberlin, 1919
  20. Cervilia - Frickinger, 1916
  21. Chaetacanthus - Seidler, 1924
  22. Dilepidonotus - Hartman, 1967
  23. Drieschella - Augener and Pettibone in Pettibone, 1970
  24. Drieschia - Michaelsen, 1892
  25. Enipo - Malmgren, 1865
  26. Eucranta - Malmgren, 1865
  27. Eulagisca - McIntosh, 1885
  28. Eunoe - Malmgren, 1865
  29. Euphione - McIntosh, 1885
  30. Euphionella - Monro, 1936
  31. Frennia - Viguier, 1912
  32. Gastrolepidia - Schmarda, 1861
  33. Gattyana - McIntosh, 1900
  34. Gorekia - Bergstroem, 1916
  35. Grubeopolynoe - Pettibone, 1969
  36. Halosydna - Kinberg, 1855
  37. Halosydnella - Hartman, 1938
  38. Halosydnopsis - Uschakov and Wu, 1959
  39. Harmothoe - Kinberg, 1855
  40. Hartmania - Pettibone, 1955
  41. Hemilepidia - Schmarda, 1861
  42. Herdmanella - Darboux, 1899
  43. Hermadion - Kinberg, 1855
  44. Hermenia - Grube, 1856
  45. Hesperonoe - Chamberlin, 1919
  46. Heteropolynoe - Bidenkap, 1907
  47. Hololepida - Moore, 1905
  48. Hololepidella - Willey, 1905
  49. Hyperhalosydna - Augener, 1922
  50. Intoshella - Darboux, 1899
  51. Kermadecella - Darboux, 1899
  52. Lagisca - Malmgren, 1865
  53. Lepidasthenia - Malmgren, 1867
  54. Lepidastheniella - Monro, 1924
  55. Lepidofimbria - Hartman, 1967
  56. Lepidogyra - Hartman, 1967
  57. Lepidonotus - Leach, 1816
  58. Leucia - Malmgren, 1867
  59. Lucopia - Pillai, 1965
  60. Macellicephala - McIntosh, 1885
  61. Macellicephaloides - Uschakov, 1955
  62. Macelloides - Uschakov, 1957
  63. Malmgrenia - McIntosh, 1874
  64. Malmgreniella - Hartman, 1967
  65. Melaenis - Malmgren, 1865
  66. Nemidia - Malmgren, 1865
  67. Neohololepidella - Pettibone, 1969
  68. Paradyte - Pettibone, 1969
  69. Parahalosydna - Horst, 1915
  70. Parahololepidella - Pettibone, 1969
  71. Paralepidonotus - Horst, 1915
  72. Perolepis - Ehlers, 1908
  73. Phyllohartmania - Pettibone, 1961
  74. Phyllosheila - Pettibone, 1961
  75. Podarmus - Chamberlin, 1919
  76. Polyeunoa - McIntosh, 1885
  77. Polynoe - Savigny, 1818
  78. Polynoella - McIntosh, 1885
  79. Pottsiscalisetosus - Pettibone, 1969
  80. Pseudohalosydna - Fauvel, 1913
  81. Pseudopolynoe - Day, 1962
  82. Robertianella - McIntosh, 1885
  83. Scalisetosus - McIntosh, 1885
  84. Sheila - Monro, 1930
  85. Subadyte - Pettibone, 1969
  86. Telolepidasthenia - Augener and Pettibone in Pettibone, 1970
  87. Tenonia - Nichols, 1969
  88. Thormora - Baird, 1865
  89. Uncopolynoe - Hartmann-Schroeder, 1960
  90. Weberia - Horst, 1915
  1. ^ "ITIS". 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 23 Mart 2022. 

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