^Hawkes, E. W. The Labrador Eskimo. Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, (Geological Survey of Canada) Memoir 91; Anthropological Series, No. 14., pg 122
^Beverley Diamond, M. Sam Cronk, Franziska Von Rosen, Contributor M. Sam Cronk, Franziska Von Rosen. Visions of sound: musical instruments of First Nations communities in Northeastern America. University of Chicago Press, 1994
ISBN 0-226-14476-3, 978-0-226-14476-4. Pg 56.
^Anthony Baines. The Oxford companion to musical instruments. Oxford University Press, 1992 ISBN 0-19-311334-1, 978-0-19-311334-3 Pg 189.
^Peter Cooke. The fiddle tradition of the Shetland Isles. CUP Archive, 1986. ISBN 0-521-26855-9, 978-0-521-26855-4. p. 5.