Нинди таксонда бар H. sapiens[d][1]
Кодлаучы ген Мерлин[d][1]
Молекуляр функция cytoskeletal protein binding[d][2], связывание с белками плазмы[d][3][4][5][…] һәм actin binding[d][2]
Күзәнәк компоненты цитоплазма[2][2][6], cell body[d][2], cell projection[d][2], мембрана[d][7][8], filopodium[d][2], ruffle[d][2], Адгезионные контакты[d][2], күзәнәк мембранасы[d][2][2][9][…], apical part of cell[d][2], ruffle membrane[d][2], early endosome[d][10], ядрышко[d][6], cortical actin cytoskeleton[d][2], perinuclear region of cytoplasm[d][2][11], neuron projection[d][2], cleavage furrow[d][2], цитоскелет[d][12][2][2][…], төш[2][2][13][…], lamellipodium[d][2], filopodium membrane[d][2], цитозоль[d][2] һәм мембрана[d][2][14]
Биологик процесс negative regulation of receptor signaling pathway via JAK-STAT[d][15], regulation of gliogenesis[d][2], cell-cell junction organization[d][2], regulation of protein stability[d][2], negative regulation of cell-cell adhesion[d][11], negative regulation of protein kinase activity[d][2], mesoderm formation[d][2], ectoderm development[d][2], negative regulation of DNA replication[d][16], Schwann cell proliferation[d][17], regulation of neural precursor cell proliferation[d][2], regulation of protein localization to nucleus[d][2], negative regulation of cell-matrix adhesion[d][11], odontogenesis of dentin-containing tooth[d][2], развитие мозга[d][2], negative regulation of cell migration[d][11], lens fiber cell differentiation[d][2], regulation of cell population proliferation[d][2], positive regulation of cell differentiation[d][2], negative regulation of MAPK cascade[d][2], regulation of hippo signaling[d][18], развитие гиппокампа[d][2], regulation of stem cell proliferation[d][2], regulation of neurogenesis[d][2], actin cytoskeleton organization[d][6], positive regulation of stress fiber assembly[d][6], негативная регуляция пролиферации клеток[d][11][2][13][…], negative regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein[d][15], regulation of apoptotic process[d][5] һәм regulation of cell cycle[d][5]
Изображение Gene Atlas

NF2 (ингл. ) — аксымы, шул ук исемдәге ген тарафыннан кодлана торган югары молекуляр органик матдә.[19][20]

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