Нинди таксонда бар H. sapiens[d][1]
Кодлаучы ген SMURF2[d][1]
Молекуляр функция связывание с белками плазмы[d][2][3][4][…], связывание похожих белков[d][5][6], ubiquitin-protein transferase activity[d][7][7][8][…], трансферазная активность[d][9], ubiquitin protein ligase activity[d][9][9][10], transforming growth factor beta receptor binding[d][9], SMAD binding[d][11][9] һәм ubiquitin-protein transferase activity[d][9][9][12]
Күзәнәк компоненты цитозоль[d][9], мембрана[d][9], ubiquitin ligase complex[d][12], күзәнәк мембранасы[d][9], нуклеоплазма[d][9], липидный рафт[d][9], ядерные спеклы[d][9], төш[13][9] һәм цитоплазма[9][10]
Биологик процесс positive regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway[d][9], negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II[d][9], negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway[d][9][14], BMP signaling pathway[d][9], positive regulation of trophoblast cell migration[d][14], ubiquitin-dependent SMAD protein catabolic process[d][15], regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway[d][16], protein ubiquitination[d][7], negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated[d][17], protein polyubiquitination[d][7], Wnt signaling pathway, planar cell polarity pathway[d][9], protein deubiquitination[d][9], ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process[d][7][8], negative regulation of BMP signaling pathway[d][10], protein polyubiquitination[d][9][10], ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process[d][9][12][10], protein ubiquitination[d][9][10], ubiquitin-dependent SMAD protein catabolic process[d][11][10], proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process[d][10] һәм positive regulation of protein catabolic process[d][10]

SMURF2 (ингл. ) — аксымы, шул ук исемдәге ген тарафыннан кодлана торган югары молекуляр органик матдә.[18][19]

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