↑Bhuju, U. R., Shakya, P. R., Basnet, T. B., Shrestha, S. (2007). Nepal Biodiversity Resource Book. Protected Areas, Ramsar Sites, and World Heritage Sites 2011 елның 26 июль көнендә архивланган.. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology, in cooperation with United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Kathmandu, [[Махсус:Китап чыганаклары/[[[{{{lc}}}|просмотр]]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=edit}} править]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=history}} история]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=watch}} следить]] [обновить]|ISBN 978-92-9115-033-5]]