Список компаній Тайваню

Розташування Тайваню

Тайвань — держава в Східній Азії. Сусіди: Китайська Народна Республіка (КНР) на заході, Японія на сході, і Філіппіни на півдні. Тайвань є найбільш густонаселеною невключеною в ООН державою і найбільшою економікою, яка не входить до ООН.

Тайвань має стабільну індустріальну економіку внаслідок швидкого економічного зростання та індустріалізації, яку вже охрестили тайваньським дивом. Тайвань є одним з чотирьох азійських тигрів, а також членом Всесвітньої торгової організації і Азіатсько-Тихоокеанського економічного співробітництва. Також є 21-ю за величиною економікою в світі, її високотехнологічні галузі відіграють ключову роль у світовій економіці. Тайвань — це місце з високим рівнем свободи преси, охорони здоров'я[1], освіти населення, економічної свободи і розвитку людини.[2][3]

Найбільші фірми в світі

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У цьому списку показані фірм з Fortune Global 500, фірми найбільші за сукупною виручкою станом на 31 березня 2017 року.[4] Лише п'ять фірм (за наявності), включені як зразок.

Ранг Зображення Назва Доходи 2016 (млн дол) Співробітників Примітки
27 Хон Хай Точної Індустрії (Фоксконн) $135,129 726,772 Найбільший у світі контрактний виробник електроніки і четверта за величиною компанія в області інформаційних технологій (за доходами). Наша фірма працює як договір виробника і дочірні підприємства включають корпорації Sharp і смарт-технологій.
296 Компанія Pegatron $35,891 196,251 Компанія-виробник електроніки розвитку обчислювальної техніки, комунікацій і споживчої електроніки. Відбрунькувалася від компанії ASUS.
369 Тайвань виробництво напівпровідників (TSMC)з $29,388 46,968 Найбільше незалежне світі напівпровідникових ливарного. Дочірніми підприємствами є МСМХ в Сінгапурі.
390 Кванти Комп'ютер $27,715 92,698 Найбільший виробник ноутбуків у світі.
411 Компанія Cathay Страхування Життя $26,292 36,578 Тайбейська транснаціональна компанія зі страхування життя. Частина фінансового Катай холдингу.

Відомі фірми

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Цей список включає відомі компанії з основною штаб-квартирою розташована в країні. Галузі та сектори поділені за еталоном галузевої класифікації. 

Назва Китайською Галузь Сектор Штаб-квартира Рік заснування Нотатки
85 °C Bakery Cafe 85度C Food and Beverage Retail Taichung 2004 Coffee Shop
Acer Inc. 宏碁 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1976 Computer and peripheral equipment
ADATA 威剛科技股份公司 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City[5] 2001 Memory and storage
Adly 愛得利 Consumer goods Automobiles & parts Chiayi[6] 1978 Scooters and quad-bikes
Aeon Motor 宏佳騰機車 Consumer goods Automobiles & parts Tainan 1970 ATVs, scooters, and mini-bikes
Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation 漢翔公司 Industrials Aerospace & defense Taichung 1969 State-owned aerospace research and engineering
Airiti Inc. 華藝數位 Consumer services Media Taipei 2000 Publishing, database, indexing, ebooks, online bookstore, wine
Alchip 世芯電子 Technology Semiconductors Taipei 2003
An Feng Steel 安鋒鋼鐵 Basic materials Basic resources Kaohsiung 1986 Iron and steel
AOC Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1934 Display products
AOpen 建碁 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1996 Computer and peripheral equipment
Apacer 宇瞻科技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1997 Computer memory and memory-based products, mp3 players
Arphic Technology 文鼎科技 Technology Software New Taipei City 1990 Type foundry
Asia Cement Corporation 亞洲水泥股份公司 Industrials Construction & materials Taipei 1957 Cement
ASIX 亞信電子 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1995
ASUS 華碩電腦 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1989 Computer and peripheral equipment
ATEN International 宏正自動科技 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1979 KVM/USB
ATP Electronics 華騰國際科技股份公司 Technology Semiconductors Taipei 1991 Semiconductor of Dram and NAND Flash memory products
AU Optronics 友達光電 Industrials Electronic Equipment Hsinchu 1996 Optoelectronics
Avision 虹光 Technology Computer hardware Hsinchu 1991 Image scanners, MFP
Bank of Kaohsiung 高雄銀行 Financials Banks Kaohsiung 1982 Banking, financial and related services
Bank of Taiwan 臺灣銀行 Financials Banks Taipei 1897 Banking, financial and related services
Bank SinoPac 永豐金融控股公司 Financials Financial services New Taipei City[7] 1992 Financial and insurance
Behavior Tech Computer 英群企業 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1982 Computer accessories
BenQ 明基電通 Consumer goods Consumer electronics Taipei 2001 LCDs, projectors, cell phones
Billion 盛達電業 Technology Computer hardware Taipei[8] 1973 Communications and Internet
Biostar 映德電子 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1986 Computer and peripheral equipment
Bit Corporation 普澤 Technology Computer software Taipei 1984 Gaming, defunct 1992
C.C.P. Contact Probes 中國探針股份有限公司 Industrials Electrical Components & Equipment New Taipei City 1986 Connectors
C-Media 驊訊電子 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1991 Sound cards
Chaintech 華東承啟科技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1986 Motherboards, video cards, sound cards
Chang Hwa Bank 彰化銀行 Financials Banks Taichung 1905 Finance and insurance
Cheng Shin Rubber 正新橡膠 Basic materials Chemicals Yuanlin 1967 Rubber
Chi Mei Corporation 奇美實業 Basic materials Chemicals Tainan 1960 Plastics
Chicony Electronics 群光電子 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1983
Chimei Innolux Corporation 奇美電子 Industrials Electronic equipment Zhunan 2003 TFT-LCD panels
China Airlines 中華航空 Consumer services Travel & leisure Taoyuan 1959 Shipping and transportation
China Life 中國人壽 Financials Insurance Taipei 1963 Finance and insurance
China Motor Corporation 中華汽車 Consumer goods Automobiles Taipei 1969 Automobile
China Steel 中國鋼鐵 Basic materials Basic resources Kaohsiung 1971 Iron and steel
Chingwin Publishing Group 青文出版社 Consumer services Media Taipei 1964 Publishing
Chroma ATE 致茂電子 Industrials Electronic equipment Taoyuan 1984 Testing equipment and automation system
Chun Yuan Steel 春源鋼鐵 Basic materials Basic resources Taipei 1965 Iron and steel
Chunghwa Telecom 中華電信 Telecommunications Fixed line telecommunications Taipei 1996 Communications and Internet
CipherLab 欣技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1988 Automatic identification and data capture
Clevo 藍天 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1983 OEM/ODM laptops
CMC Magnetics 中環集團 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1978 Digital media
Compal Electronics 仁寶電腦 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1984 Computer and peripheral equipment
Continental Engineering Corporation 大陸工程 Industrials Construction & materials Taipei 1945 Construction
Cooler Master 訊凱國際 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1992 Computer cases, computer peripherals, power supplies, aftermarket and OEM computer cooling solutions
CPC Corporation 台灣中油 Oil & gas Oil & gas producers Taipei 1946 State-owned petroleum, natural gas, and gasoline
CSBC Corporation 台灣國際造船 Industrials Industrial transportation Kaohsiung 1937 Shipping and transportation
CTBC Bank 中國信託 Financials Insurance Taipei 1966 Finance and insurance
CyberLink 訊連科技 Technology Software New Taipei City 1996 Information service
D-Link 友訊科技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1986 Communications and Internet
Daily Air 德安航空 Consumer services Travel & leisure Taipei 1992 Shipping and transportation
DBTel 大霸電子 Telecommunications Fixed line telecommunications Taipei 1979
DFI 友通資訊 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1981 Computer and peripheral equipment
Digital United 數位聯合 Technology Internet Taipei 1998[9] Internet service provider
Din Tai Fung 鼎泰豐 Consumer services Travel & leisure Taipei 1958 Food
Dopod 多普達 Technology Telecommunications equipment New Taipei City 1997 Cellphones
DynaComware 威鋒數位 Technology Software Taipei 1987 Type foundry
E.SUN Commercial Bank 玉山商業銀行 Financials Banks Taipei 1992 Banking, financial and related services
Edison-Opto 艾笛森光電 Industrials Electronic & electrical equipment New Taipei City 2001 Optoelectronics
Elitegroup Computer Systems 精英電腦 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1987 Computer and peripheral equipment
Epistar 晶元光電 Industrials Electronic & electrical equipment Hsinchu 1996 Optoelectronics
EPoX Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1995 Electronics, defunct 2007
Eslite Bookstore 誠品書店 Consumer services Retail Taipei 1989 Retail
EVA Air 長榮航空 Consumer services Travel & leisure Taoyuan 1989 Shipping and transportation
Evergreen Marine 長榮海運 Industrials Industrial transportation Taoyuan 1968 Shipping and transportation
Everlight Electronics 億光電子 Industrials Electronic & electrical equipment New Taipei City 1983 Optoelectronics
EZTABLE 易訂網 Technology Internet Taipei 2008 Online restaurant reservations
Far Eastern New Century 遠東新世紀 Consumer goods Personal goods New Taipei City[10] 1942 Textiles
Faraday Technology 智原科技 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1993
FarEasTone 遠傳電信 Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications New Taipei City 1997 Communications and Internet
Federal Corporation 泰豐集團 Consumer goods Automobiles & parts Taoyuan 1954 Tires
First International Computer 大眾電腦 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1980 Computer and peripheral equipment
First International Telecom 大眾電信 Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications Taipei 1997 Communications and Internet, defunct 2014
Formosa Plastics 台塑企業 Basic materials Chemicals Kaohsiung 1954 Plastics
Foxconn 鴻海科技 Industrials Electronic & electrical equipment New Taipei City 1974 Electronics
FSP Group 全漢企業 Technology Computer hardware Taoyuan 1993 Power supply
Fubon Financial Holding Co. 富邦金控 Financials Financial services Taipei 2001 Finance and insurance
G.Skill 芝奇國際 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1989 Computer hardware
Gamania 遊戲橘子 Technology Software New Taipei City 1995 Game distributor
GeIL 友懋科技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1993 RAM, flash memory
Giant Bicycles 捷安特 Consumer Goods Personal & household goods Taichung 1972 Bicycles
Gigabyte Technology 技嘉科技 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1986 Computer and peripheral equipment
GigaMedia Limited 戲谷 Consumer services Travel & leisure Taipei 1991 Gambling and games
Global Unichip Corporation 創意電子 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1998
Gloria Material Technology Corp. 榮剛材料科技 Basic materials Basic resources Tainan 1993 Steel
Grand Wing Servo-Tech 廣營電子 Consumer goods Leisure Goods Taipei 1993 Electronics
HannStar Display Corporation 瀚宇彩晶 Industrials Electronic & electrical equipment Taipei 1998 Optoelectronics
HeySong Corporation 黑松 Consumer goods Food & beverage New Taipei City 1925 Beverages
HIM International Music 華研國際] Consumer services Media Taipei 1991 Music
Ho-Ping Power Company 和平电力 Utilities Electricity Xiulin 1997 Electricity
Holtek 盛群半導體 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1983 Semiconductors
Hotai Motor 和泰汽車 Consumer goods Automobiles & parts Taipei[11] 1955 Automobiles
Hsin Tung Yang 新東陽 Consumer goods Food & beverage Taipei 1972 Food company specializing in meat products
HTC Corporation 宏達國際電子 Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications New Taipei City 1997 Communications, Internet, cellphones
I-View 天鄰科技 Industrials Electronic & electrical equipment Hsinchu 1997 CCTV cameras
Infortrend 普安科技 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1993 Electronics
Insyde Software 系微 Technology Software Taipei 1998
International Games System 鈊象電子 Technology Software New Taipei City 1989
Inventec 英業達 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1975 Computer and peripheral equipment
Jadever 鈺恆企業 Industrials Electronic & electrical equipment Taipei 1986 Scale manufacturing
JMicron 智微科技 Technology Computer hardware Hsinchu 2001 Integrated circuits
Kenda Rubber Industrial Company 建大輪胎 Consumer goods Automobiles & parts Yuanlin 1962 Tires
Kinesis Industry 卜威工業 Consumer goods Personal & household goods Taichung[12] 1989 Bicycles
Kingbright 今台電子 Consumer goods Consumer electronics Taipei 1980 LEDs
Kingmax 勝創科技 Technology Computer hardware Hsinchu 1989 Memory and storage
KMC Chain Industrial 廣寰科技 Consumer goods Personal & household goods Tainan[13] 1997 Roller chains and bicycle chains
KWorld 廣寰科技 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1999 PC multimedia peripherals
Kymco 光陽機車 Consumer goods Automobiles & parts Kaohsiung 1963 Motorcycles, scooters, ATV
Lanner Inc. 立端科技 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1986 Network appliances, IPC, embedded systems
Leadtek 麗台科技 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1986 Computer and peripheral equipment
Lian Li 聯力工業 Technology Computer hardware Keelung 1983 Computer cases
LiteOn 光寶科技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1975 Computer and peripheral equipment
Liuli Gongfang 琉璃工房 Industrials Construction & materials New Taipei City 1987 Glass making
Mai-Liao Power Corporation 麦寮汽电 Utilities Electricity Mailiao 1996 Electricity
Mandarin Airlines 華信航空 Consumer services Travel & leisure Taipei 1991 Shipping and transportation
MediaTek 聯發科技 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1997 System-On-Chip Solutions
Mega International Commercial Bank 兆豐銀行 Financials Financial services Taipei 2002 Finance and insurance
Merida Bikes 美利達工業 Consumer Goods Personal & household goods Yuanlin 1972 Bikes
Micro-Star International 微星科技 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1986 Computer and peripheral equipment
Microtek 全友電腦 Technology Computer hardware Hsinchu 1980 Computer and peripheral equipment
Miniwiz 小智研發 Industrials Support services Taipei 2005 Upcycling
MIPRO 嘉強電子 Consumer goods Consumer electronics Chiayi 1995 Wireless microphone systems
MiTAC 神達電腦 Technology Computer hardware Hsinchu 1982 Computer and peripheral equipment
MStar Semiconductor 晨星半導體 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 2002
Mustek Systems 鴻友科技 Technology Computer hardware Hsinchu 1988 Computer and peripheral equipment
Nankang Rubber Tire 南港輪胎 Consumer goods Automobiles & parts Taipei 1959 Tires
Nuvoton 新唐科技 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 2008
Pegatron Corporation 和碩聯合科技 Consumer goods Consumer electronics Taipei 2007 Electronics manufacturing services
Phalanx Biotech Group 華聯生物科技 Health care Biotechnology Hsinchu 2002
Phison 群聯電子 Technology Computer hardware Hsinchu 2000 Computer memory
Plustek Inc. 精益科技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1986 Image scanners, security devices
Pou Chen Corporation 寶成工業 Consumer goods Personal goods Taichung 1969 Footwear
Powerchip Semiconductor 力晶科技 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1994
Promise Technology 喬鼎資訊 Technology Computer hardware Hsinchu 1988 Computer and peripheral equipment
QNAP Systems, Inc. 威聯通科技 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 2004 Network storage
Quanta Computer 廣達電腦 Technology Computer hardware Taoyuan 1988 Computer and peripheral equipment
Ralink 電凌科技 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 2001
Realtek 瑞昱半導體 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1987
Rebar 力霸集團 Conglomerate New Taipei City[14] 1960 Construction, banking, telecommunications, media
Regent International Hotels 晶華國際酒店集團 Consumer services Travel & leisure Taipei 1971 Hotels
Ritek 錸德科技 Industrials Electronic & electrical equipment Hsinchu 1988 Optoelectronics
Rock Records 滾石唱片 Consumer services Media Taipei 1980 Music record labels
Runewaker Entertainment 思維工坊 Technology Software Taichung 2004 Video games
Sangean 山進電子 Consumer goods Personal goods New Taipei City 1974 Electronics
Seventeam 七盟電子 Technology Computer hardware Taipei[15] 1986 Computer and peripheral equipment
Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank 上海商業儲蓄銀行 Financials Financial services Taipei 1915 Banking, financial and related services
Sheico 薛長興企業 Consumer goods Personal goods Wujie[16] 1965 Clothing
Shiatzy Chen 夏姿 Consumer goods Personal goods Taipei 1978 Luxury goods
Shihlin Electric 士林電機 Industrials Electronic equipment Taipei 1955 Electric machinery
Shuttle Inc. 浩鑫電腦 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1983 Computer and peripheral equipment
Silicon Integrated Systems 矽統科技 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1987
Silicon Power 廣穎電通 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 2003 Memory and storage
SilverStone Technology 銀欣科技 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 2003 Computer and peripheral equipment
SPARKLE Computer Co., Ltd. 斯博科 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1982 Computer graphics
SunComm Technology 相光科技 Technology Telecommunications equioment New Taipei City 1977 GSM fixed wireless phones
SYM Motors 三陽機車 Consumer goods Automobiles & parts Hsinchu 1954 Automobiles, motorcycles, motorized scooters
Synology Inc. 群暉科技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 2000 Network storage
Taiwan Cement Corporation 台灣水泥 Industrials Construction & materials Taipei 1946 Cement
Taiwan Cooperative Bank 合作金庫 Financials Banks Taipei 1944
Taiwan Fertilizer 台灣肥料公司 Basic materials Chemicals Taipei 1946 Chemical
Taiwan Financial Holdings Group 臺灣金控 Financials Financial services Taipei 2007 Banking, financial and related services
Taiwan International Ports Corporation 臺灣港務公司 Industrials Industrial transportation Kaohsiung 2012 Shipping
Taiwan Mobile 台灣大哥大 Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications New Taipei City[17] 1997 Communications and Internet
Taiwan Power Company 台灣電力公司 Utilities Electricity New Taipei City 1946 State-owned electrical
Taiwan Sugar Corporation 台灣糖業公司 Consumer goods Food & beverage Tainan 1946 Sugar, cosmetics, gas stations
Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation 台灣菸酒公司 Consumer goods Food & beverage Taipei 1945 Alcohol and tobacco products
Taiwan Water Corporation 台灣自來水公司 Utilities Water Taichung 1973 Water supply
Tang Eng Iron Works 唐榮鐵工廠 Basic materials Basic resources Kaohsiung 1940 Iron and steel
Tatung Company 大同公司 Consumer goods Personal goods Taipei 1918 Electronics
TECO Electric and Machinery (TECO) 東元電機 Industrials Electronic equipment Taipei 1956 Electric machinery
Tecom 東訊公司 Technology Telecommunications equipment Hsinchu 1980 Communications and Internet
Tekom Technologies 智基光電 Industrials Electronic equipment Taipei 1996 Optoelectronics
Thecus 宏普科技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 2004 Hardware storage
Thermaltake 曜越科技 Technology Computer hardware New Taipei City 1999 Computer cases
Thinking Electronic 興勤電子 Industrials Electronic equipment Kaohsiung 1979 Electronic parts/components
Thunder Tiger 雷虎科技 Consumer goods Personal goods Taichung 1979 Model vehicles
Tong Li Publishing 東立出版社 Consumer services Media Taipei 1977 Publishing
TransAsia Airways 復興航空 Industrials Industrial transportation Taipei 1951 Shipping and transportation, defunct 2016
Transcend Information 創見資訊 Technology Semiconductors Taipei 1988 Memory and storage
TSMC 台積電 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1987 World's largest Pure Play Foundry; Major customers include Apple Inc. and Nvidia.
Ulead Systems 友立資訊 Technology Software Taipei 1989 Sound, photo, movie editing software
UMAX Technologies 世成科技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 1987 Computer hardware
Uni Air 立榮航空 Consumer services Travel & leisure Taipei 1998 Commercial airline
Uni-President Enterprises Corporation 統一企業 Consumer goods Food & beverage New Taipei City 1967 Food
Unicorn Hobby Corporation 巨大塑膠 Consumer goods Personal goods New Taipei City 1986[18] Airsoft gun
United Microelectronics Corporation 聯華電子 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1980 Pure Play Foundry
Universal Abit Technology Computer Hardware Neihu 1989 Closed due to serious financial problems beginning in 2005, Closed in 31 December 2008, and officially ceased to exist on 1 January 2009.
UserJoy Technology 宇峻奧汀 Technology Software New Taipei City[19] 1995 Gaming software
VIA Technologies 威盛電子 Technology Semiconductors New Taipei City 1987 Fabless Integrated Circuit Designer
Vibo Telecom 威寶電信 Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications New Taipei City 2000 Telecommunications
VIS 世界先進 Technology Semiconductors Hsinchu 1994 Semiconductor Pure Play Foundry
Wan Hai Lines 萬海航運 Industrials Industrial transportation Taipei[20] 1965 Shipping and transportation
Wang Film Productions 宏廣 Consumer services Media Taipei 1978 Animation production
Want Want 旺旺集團 Consumer goods Food & beverage Taipei 1962 Food
Wei-Chuan Food Corporation 味全 Consumer goods Food & beverage Taipei 1972 Food
Winbond 華邦電子 Technology Semiconductors Taichung[21] 1987
Wistron Corporation 緯創資通 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 2001 Computer and peripheral equipment
XGI Technology 圖誠科技 Technology Computer hardware Taipei 2003 GPUs, video cards
Yageo 國巨 Industrials Electronic equipment New Taipei City[22] 1977[23] Electronic parts/components
Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation 陽明海運 Industrials Industrial transportation Keelung 1972 Shipping and transportation
Yulon 裕隆汽車 Consumer goods Automobiles & parts Miaoli County 1953 Automobiles
Zyxel 合勤科技 Technology Computer hardware Hsinchu 1989 Communications and Internet


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Див. також

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  1. Yao, Grace; Cheng, Yen-Pi; Cheng, Chiao-Pi (5 листопада 2008). The Quality of Life in Taiwan. Social Indicators Research. 92 (2): 377—404. doi:10.1007/s11205-008-9353-1. a second place ranking in the 2000 Economist's world healthcare ranking
  2. 人類發展指數(HDI) [Human Development Index (HDI)]. National Statistics, Republic of China (Taiwan) (Chinese) . Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. 15 вересня 2014.
  3. 2010中華民國人類發展指數 (HDI) (PDF) (Chinese) . Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. 2010. Процитовано 2 липня 2010.
  4. DeCarlo, Scott (20 липня 2017). The Fortune 2017 Global 500. Fortune. Архів оригіналу за 10 травня 2019. Процитовано 19 листопада 2018. [Архівовано 2019-05-10 у Wayback Machine.]
  5. A-DATA TECHNOLOGY CO LTD (3260:R.O.C. OTC Securities Exchange): Stock Quote & Company Profile - Bloomberg. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  6. 8937:Taipei Stock Quote - Her Chee Industrial Co Ltd. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  7. Bank Sinopac: Company Profile. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  8. Billion Electric Co Ltd: Company Profile. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  9. Digital United Inc.: Private Company Information - Bloomberg. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  10. FAR EASTERN NEW CENTURY CORP (1402:Taiwan Stock Exchange): Stock Quote & Company Profile - Bloomberg. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  11. Hotai Motor Co Ltd, 2207:TAI profile - FT.com. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  12. www.kinesis.com.tw. Kinesis industry CO.,. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  13. Location_Corporate_KMC Chain. Архів оригіналу за 19 жовтня 2016. Процитовано 16 січня 2017. [Архівовано 2016-10-19 у Wayback Machine.]
  14. China Rebar Co. Ltd.: Private Company Information - Bloomberg. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  15. SeventeamSeventeam. Архів оригіналу за 18 жовтня 2016. Процитовано 16 січня 2017. [Архівовано 2016-10-18 у Wayback Machine.]
  16. Group, SHEICO. Contact Us - SHEICO - The Professional Sportswear Manufacturer. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  17. Taiwan Mobile Communication Inc: Company Profile. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  18. Wu, Huang Chang. UHC. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  19. Welcome to USERJOY! From Gamers, For Gamers!. Архів оригіналу за 19 березня 2017. Процитовано 16 січня 2017. [Архівовано 2017-03-19 у Wayback Machine.]
  20. WAN HAI LINES LTD. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  21. WINBOND ELECTRONICS CORP (2344:Taiwan): Stock Quote & Company Profile - Bloomberg. Архів оригіналу за 19 жовтня 2016. Процитовано 16 січня 2017. [Архівовано 2016-10-19 у Wayback Machine.]
  22. Yageo - world-leading provider of passive components. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.
  23. Yageo - world-leading provider of passive components. Процитовано 16 січня 2017.


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