معاونت:بین الاقوامی اصواتی ابجدیہ برائے جارجیائی

حرف صحیحs
IPA Georgian Romanization English approximation
b b bash
d d do
dz j pads
ǰ hedge
ɡ g gate
ɣ French-like R
h h head
k (ejective) [1]
k' can
l l leaf
m m much
n n not
p (ejective)[1]
p' pan
q (ejective)[1]
r r road
s s sue
ʃ š shoe
t (ejective)[1]
t' table
tsʼ c (ejective)[1]
tsʰ c' tsunami
tʃʼ č (ejective)[1]
tʃʰ č' choose
v v van
x x Bach
z z zoo
ʒ ž vision
IPA Georgian Romanization English approximation
ɑ a bra
ɛ e bell
i i feel
ɔ o law
u u moon

حوالہ جات

  1. ^ ا ب پ ت ٹ ث Ejective consonants, which do not occur in English, are voiceless consonants that are pronounced with pressure from the throat rather than the lungs.