Strophiona nitens

Strophiona nitens
Siyentipiko nga pagklasipika
Ginhadi-an: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Ubosphylum: Hexapoda
Klase: Insecta
Orden: Coleoptera
Banay: Cerambycidae
Genus: Strophiona
Espesye: Strophiona nitens
Binomial nga ngaran
Strophiona nitens
(Forster, 1771)
Mga sinonimo

Anoplodera nitens White, 1985[1]
Anoplodera nitens Laliberté, Chantal & LaRochelle, 1977[2]
Anoplodera nitens Baker, 1972[3]
Anoplodera nitens Wilson, 1971[4]
Anoplodera nitens Kirk, 1970[5]
Anoplodera nitens Bayer & Shenefelt, 1969[6]
Anoplodera nitens Chagnon & Robert, 1962[7]
Anoplodera nitens Dillon & Dillon, 1961[8]
Anoplodera nitens Townes & Townes, 1960[9]
Anoplodera nitens Linsley, 1958[10]
Anoplodera (leptura) nitens Craighead, 1950[11]
Anoplodera nitens Procter, 1946[12]
Anoplodera nitens Knull, 1946[13]
Anoplodera nitens Townes, 1944[14]
Anoplodera nitens Frost, 1937[15]
Anoplodera nitens Doane & al., 1936[16]
Anoplodera nitens Chagnon, 1936[17]
Leptura nitens Goldman, 1933[18]
Anoplodera nitens Swaine & Hopping, 1928[19]
Leptura nitens Cloudman, 1925[20]
Leptura nitens Craighead, 1923[21]
Leptura zebra Morris, 1921[22]
Leptura nitens Rohwer, 1921[23]
Judolia (judolia) nitens Boppe, 1921[24]
Strophiona bellina Leng, 1920[25]
Leptura zebra Morris, 1920[26]
Leptura nitens Nicolay, 1919[27]
Leptura nitens Chagnon, 1917[28]
Leptura nitens Lovell, 1915[29]
Strophiona bellina Casey, 1913[30]
Leptura nitens Rohwer, 1913[31]
Leptura zebra Fernald, 1912[32]
Leptura nitens Fisher & Kirk, 1912[33]
Judolia nitens Aurivillius, 1912[34]
Leptura nitens Smith, 1910[35]
Leptura nitens Blatchley, 1910[36]
Leptura zebra Morris, 1909[37]
Leptura nitens Wickham, 1909[38]
Leptura zebra Felt, 1906[39]
Leptura nitens Felt, 1906[39]
Leptura nitens Stevenson, 1905[40]
Leptura nitens Chagnon, 1905[41]
Leptura nitens Ulke, 1903[42]
Leptura zebra Dury, 1902[43]
Leptura nitens Smith, 1900[44]
Leptura zebra Chittenden, 1897[45]
Leptura nitens Chittenden, 1897[45]
Leptura nitens 1897
Leptura zebra Beutenmüller, 1896[46]
Leptura nitens Hamilton, 1895[47]
Leptura zebra Hanham, 1894[48]
Leptura nitens 1893
Leptura nitens Hamilton, 1891[49]
Leptura zebra Packard, 1890[50]
Leptura zebra Caulfield, 1890[51]
Leptura nitens Leng, 1890[52]
Leptura zebra Hamilton, 1889[53]
Leptura nitens Horn, 1889[54]
Argaleus nitens Packard, 1888[55]
Leptura zebra Lugger, 1884[56]
Leptura zebra Packard, 1881[57]
Leptura zebra Riley, 1880[58]
Leptura zebra Provancher, 1877[59]
Leptura nitens Leconte, 1873[60]
Argaleus nitens Horn, 1873[61]
Leptura quagga Gemminger & Harold, 1872[62]
Argaleus nitens Packard, 1872[63]
Leptura nitens Horn, 1861[64]
Leptura nitens Bland, 1861[65]
Strangalia quagga Melsheimer, 1853[66]
Strangalia nitens LeConte, 1852[67]
Strangalia quagga LeConte, 1850[68]
Stenura zebrata Haldeman, 1847[69]
Leptura quagga Germar, 1824[70]
Leptura nitens Forster, 1771[71]

An Strophiona nitens[72] in uska species han Coleoptera nga syahan ginhulagway ni Forster hadton 1771. An Strophiona nitens in nahilalakip ha genus nga Strophiona, ngan familia nga Cerambycidae.[72][73] Waray hini subspecies nga nakalista.[72]

Mga kasarigan

[igliwat | Igliwat an wikitext]
  1. WHITE Richard E. (1985) Beetles of North America, The Fiftieth Anniversary Edition. Roger Tory Peterson Field Guides. The Easton Press, Norwalk, Connecticut i-xii + 368 pp, 146 figs, 12 pls.
  2. LALIBERTÉ Joseph Louis, CHANTAL Claude & LAROCHELLE André (1977) Ecologie des longicornes du Québec, Fabreries 3: 88-102.
  3. BAKER Whiteford L. (1972) Eastern Forest Insects, USDA Forest Service Miscellaneous Publications, Washington D. C. 1175: 1-642.
  4. WILSON D. A. (1971) Notes and observations on Lepturini in New England (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), The Coleopterists' Bulletin 25 (2): 59-62.
  5. KIRK V. M. (1970) A list of beetles of South Carolina. Part 2 - Mountain, Piedmont and Southern Coastal Plain, South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin, Clemson University 1038: 1-117.
  6. BAYER L. J. & SHENEFELT R. D. (1969) Wisconsin Cerambycidae in the University of Wisconsin Insectarium, Research Bulletin of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (275): 1-48.
  7. CHAGNON G. & ROBERT A. (1962) Principaux Coléoptères de la province de Québec, Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal 440 pp, 29 pls.
  8. DILLON L. S. & DILLON E. S. (1961) A manual of common beetles of eastern North America, Evanston, IIIinois. Row, Peterson & Co., 2: 435-894, figs 345-544, 81 pls.
  9. TOWNES H. & TOWNES M. (1960) Ichneumon-flies of America, north of Mexico. 2. Subfamilies Ephialtinae, Xoridinae, Acaenitinae, Bulletin of the United States National Museum, Washington D. C. 216 (2): i-vii + 1-676, 378 figs.
  10. LINSLEY Earle Gorton (1958) The role of Cerambycidae in forest, urban and agricultural environments, The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, San Francisco 34 (3): 105-124.
  11. CRAIGHEAD F. C. (1950) Insects Enemies of Eastern Forests, USDA Miscellaneous Publications, Washington D.C. 657: 1-679, figs 1-197
  12. PROCTER W. (1946) Biological survey of the Mountain Desert Region incorporated. Part VII , being a revision of parts I and IV with the addition of 1100 species. The insect fauna with references to method of capture, food plants, the flora and other biological features, Philadelphia Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 566 pp, 1 map.
  13. KNULL Josef Nissley (1946) The long-horned beetles of Ohio (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey, Columbus 7 (4) 39: 133-354, 29 pls. (Ohio State University Studies 7, n° 4).
  14. TOWNES Henry K. (1944) A Catalogue and Reclassification of the Nearctic Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera), Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 11 (1): 1-800.
  15. FROST S. W. (1937) New Records from Bait Traps. (Dipt., Coleop., Corrodentia)., Entomological News, Philadelphia 48 (7): 201-202.
  16. DOANE R. W., VAN DYKE E. C., CHAMBERLIN W. J. & BURKE H. E. (1936) Forest Insects. A Textbook for the Use of Students in Forest School, Colleges and Universities, and for Forest Workers, New York & London, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 463 pp, 234 figs + frontispice.
  17. CHAGNON G. (1936) Contribution à l'étude de Coléoptères de la Province de Québec. Famille XLI. Cérambycides, Le Naturaliste Canadien, Québec 63 (4): 193-256. Montréal.
  18. GOLDMAN E. H. (1933) Comparisons of the mouth-parts of adult longhorn beetles with reference to their food (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Transactions of the American Entomological Society, Philadelphia 59: 85-102, 1pl.
  19. SWAINE J. M. & HOPPING R. (1928) The Lepturini of America north of Mexico. Part I, Canadian Department of Mines, Bulletin of the National Museum of Canada, Ottawa (Biological series 14) 52: 1-97, 13 pls.
  20. CLOUDMAN A. M. (1925) A preliminary report of the Cerambycidae found in eleven different regions on Mt. Desert Island, Maine, Maine Naturalist 5: 23-35.
  21. CRAIGHEAD F. C. (1923) North American cerambycid-larvae, Bulletin of the Canada Department of Agriculture (n.s.) 27: 1-239, figs 1-8, pls 1-44.
  22. MORRIS Francis J. A. (1921) Reports on insects of the year. Division No. 5, 51st Annual Report of the Entomological Society of the Province of Ontario 1920: 13-14.
  23. ROHWER Sievert Allen (1921) The North American Ichneumon-flies of the tribes Labenini, Rhyssini, Xoridini, Odontomerini, and Phytodietini., Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Washington D. C. 57 (2317): 405-474, 13 figs.
  24. BOPPE P. Lucien (1921) Genera Insectorum. Coleoptera Longicornia fam. Cerambycidæ: subfam. Disteniinæ-Lepturinæ., Bruxelles, P. Wytsman 178: 1-119, 8 pls.
  25. LENG Charles William (1920) Catalogue of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico, Mount Vernon, N. Y., John D. Sherman Jr., 470 pp.
  26. MORRIS Francis J. A. (1920) Popular and Practical Entomology. Familiar Haunts., The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 52 (4): 73-76.
  27. NICOLAY Alan Sloan (1919) A list of the Buprestidae and Cerambycidae taken on Long Island, Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, New York 14 (2): 63-72.
  28. CHAGNON G. (1917) A preliminary List of the Insects of the Province of Quebec. Part III. Coleoptera, 9th Annual Report of the Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants, supplément 1917: 161-277.
  29. LOVELL J. H. (1915) A preliminary list of the anthophilous Coleoptera of New England, Psyche. Cambridge, Massachusetts 22 (4): 109-117.
  30. CASEY Thomas Lincoln (1913) II - Further Studies among the American Longicornia, Memoirs on the Coleoptera, Lancaster 4: 193-388.
  31. ROHWER Sievert Allen (1913) Descriptions of thirteen new species of parasitic Hymenoptera and a table to certain species of the genus Ecphylus., Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Washington D. C. 45 (1991): 533-540.
  32. FERNALD Henry Torsey (1912) Insects of the year 1911 in Massachusetts, Journal of Economic Entomology 5: 245-248.
  33. FISHER W. S. & KIRK H. B. (1912) Cerambycidae from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and vicinity, with notes (Coleop.)., Entomological News, Philadelphia 23 (7): 308-316.
  34. AURIVILLIUS Christopher (1912) Cerambycidae : Cerambycinae, Coleopterorum Catalogus pars 39 [vol. 22]: 1-574. W. Junk & S. Schenkling, Berlin.
  35. SMITH John Bernhardt (1910) A report of the insects of New Jersey (Order Coleoptera), Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum, Trenton 1910: 1-880, 340 figs.
  36. BLATCHLEY Willis Stanley (1910) An Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of the Coleoptera or Beetles (exclusive of the Rhynchophora) Known to Occur in Indiana - With Bibliography and Descriptions of New Species, Bulletin of the Indiana Department of Geological and Natural Resources, Indianapolis 1: 1-1386, 595 figs.
  37. MORRIS Francis J. A. (1909) Some guests at the banquet of blossoms, The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 41 (12): 409-418.
  38. WICKHAM Henry Frederick (1909) A list of the Coleoptera of Iowa, Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State University of Iowa 6 (2): 1-40.
  39. 39.0 39.1 FELT Ephraim Porter (1906) Insects affecting park and woodland trees, Memoirs of the New York State Museum 8 (142): 333-877, figs 64-223 + pls 49-70.
  40. STEVENSON C. (1905) Notes on the season of 1904 (Western Quebec), 35th Annual Report of the Entomological Society of the Province of Ontario 1904: 90-91.
  41. CHAGNON G. (1905) Canadian Cerambycidae. The species of the past season, Entomological News, Philadelphia 16 (2): 35-36.
  42. ULKE Henry (1903) A list of the Beetles of the District of Columbia., Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Washington D. C. 25 (1275): 1-57.
  43. DURY Charles (1902) A revised list of the Coleoptera observed near Cincinnati, Ohio, with notes on localities, bibliographical references and descriptions of six new species, Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History 20: 107-196.
  44. SMITH John Bernhardt (1900) Insects of New Jersey. A list of the species occuring in New Jersey, with notes on those of economic importance (Order Coleoptera), Supplement of the 27th Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture, Trenton [1899]: 1-755, 328 figs, 2 maps.
  45. 45.0 45.1 CHITTENDEN Frank Hurlburt (1897) Insect injury to chesnut and pine trees in Virginia and neighbouring States, USDA Division of Entomology Bulletin (n. s.) 7: 67-75, 2 figs.
  46. BEUTENMÜLLER William (1896) Food habits of North America Cerambycidae, Journal of the New York Entomological Society 4: 73-81.
  47. HAMILTON John (1895) Catalogue of the Coleoptera of southwestern Pennsylvania, with notes and descriptions, Transactions of the American Entomological Society, Philadelphia 22: 317-381.
  48. HANHAM Abdiel William (1894) Notes on Quebec Coleoptera., The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 26 (12): 350-352.
  49. HAMILTON John (1891) Comments of the Fifth Report of the U. S. Entomological Commission, USDA Insect Life, Washington D. C. 4 (3-4): 129-132.
  50. PACKARD Alpheus Spring (1890) Insects injurious to forest and shade trees, 5th Report of the United States Entomological Commission, Washington 7: i-viii + 1-957, 40 pls. (Bull. 7 ed.)
  51. CAULFIELD F. B. (1890) Insects injurious to the oak, 20th Annual Report of the Entomological Society of the Province of Ontario 1889: 55-66, figs 39-44.
  52. LENG Charles William (1890) Synopses of Cerambycidæ., Entomologica Americana. Brooklyn, New York 6 (10): 185-200.
  53. HAMILTON John (1889) Notes on Coleoptera. - No. 5., The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 21 (2): 29-34.
  54. HORN George Henry (1889) Synonymical Notes., Entomologica Americana. Brooklyn, New York 5 (10-11): 198-199.
  55. PACKARD Alpheus Spring (1888) List of the Spiders, Myriapods and Insects of Labrador., The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 20 (8): 141-149.
  56. LUGGER Otto (1884) Food-plants of beetles bred in Maryland., Psyche. Cambridge, Massachusetts 4 (124-125): 203-204.
  57. PACKARD Alpheus Spring (1881) Insects injurious to forest and shade trees, Bulletin of the United States Entomological Commission 7: 1-275, 100 figs.
  58. RILEY Charles Valentine (1880) Food habits of the longicorn beetles or wood borers, The American Entomologist 3 (10): 237-239.
  59. PROVANCHER Léon (1877) Petite faune entomologique du Canada, précédée d'un traité élémentaire d'entomologie. Volume I - Les Coléoptères, Québec, C. Darveau 1: 1-786, 52 figs.
  60. LECONTE John Lawrence (1873) New species of North American Coleoptera. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Part II., Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Washington, D. C. 11 (264): 169-240.
  61. HORN George Henry (1873) Coleoptera, In F. V. Hayden. 6th Annual Report of the U. S. Geological survey of the territories embracing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah, being a report of progress of the explorations for the year 1872: 717.
  62. GEMMINGER Max & von HAROLD Edgar (1872) Catalogus coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus, Sumptu E. H. Gummi (G. Beck) Monachii. 9: 2669-2988.
  63. PACKARD Alpheus Spring (1872) List of the Coleoptera collected in Labrador, 4th Annual Report of Peabody Academy of Sciences 1871: 92-94.
  64. HORN George Henry (1861) Notes on the habits of some coleopterous larvae and pupae, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 1 (2): 28-30.
  65. BLAND James H. B. (1861) Catalogue of the longicorn Coleoptera taken at the vicinity of Philadelphia, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 1: 93-101.
  66. MELSHEIMER Friedrich Ernst (1853) Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the United States, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution xvi + 174 pp.
  67. LECONTE John Lawrence (1852) An attempt to classify the Longicorn Coleoptera of the part of America North of Mexico., Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ser. 2) 2: 139-178.
  68. LECONTE John Lawrence (1850) An attempt to classify the Longicorn Coleoptera of the part of America North of Mexico., Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ser. 2) 1: 311-340.
  69. HALDEMAN Samuel Stehman (1847) Material towards a history of the Coleoptera Longicornia of the United States, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (2)10: 27-66.
  70. GERMAR Ernst Friedrich (1824) Insectorum species novae aut minus cognitae, descriptionibus illustratae, Coleopterorum Species. Hendelii et filii, Halae Volumen primum. Coleoptera: xxiv + 1-624, 2 pls.
  71. FORSTER Johann Reinhold (1771) Novae species Insectorum, Centuria I. apud T. Davies, London 100 pp.
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (ed.) (2011). "Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist". Species 2000: Reading, UK. Ginkuhà 24 Septyembre 2012.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
  73. TITAN: Cerambycidae database. Tavakilian G., 25 Mayo 2009