Franck Goddio


Franck Goddio (1947年—)係一個摩洛哥卡薩布蘭卡出世嘅法國水底考古學家,佢嚮2000年喺埃及阿布吉爾灣對出7公里水域[1]發現咗赫拉克利翁古城(Thonis-Heracleion)[2],佢帶領嘅團隊挖掘過埃及克諾珀斯(Canopus)嘅水底遺址[3] 同埋亞歷山大港嘅一個古代海港(Portus Magnus)—包括安蒂霍多斯島(Antirhodos)[4][5]。佢亦都曾經喺菲律賓水域挖掘出古代船,譬如係西班牙加利恩帆船聖地牙哥號[6]


  1. "Where Legends lived: Lost for more than a Millenium, Ancient Cities give up their secrets". The Sunday Times Magazine. 20 August 2000. (英文)
  2. "Discovering Thonis-Heracleion" (英文). 喺2022-11-02搵到.
  3. "Discovering Canopus".(英文)
  4. "The Portus Magnus of Alexandria".(英文)
  5. "University of Oxford Live, lecture by Franck Goddio: The Portus Magnus of Alexandria: 25 years of underwater archaeological research". 2 Dec 2021.(英文)
  6. "San Diego".(英文)

