
KingsIsle 娛樂
創辦人Elie Akilian
美國德州 Round Rock
母公司Media and Games Invest (2021年–依家)

KingsIsle 娛樂 (英文Kingisle Entertainment Inc.) 係一間美國電子遊戲公司,喺2005年喺德州由 Elie Akilian 成立。呢間公司最出名,就係推出咗爆紅嘅 Wizard101 同埋 Pirate101 遊戲。



KingsIsle 娛樂係喺2005年喺德州 Plano 由 Elie Akilian 成立[1],而靈感係嚟自佢好鍾意打機嘅仔[2]。佢之後請咗幾位IT同事嚟設計新遊戲,成為咗 Wizard101[1]。Akilian 由佢賣舊公司賺咗嘅錢嚟為呢個項目集資[1][3]。Akilian 利用私人嘅聯絡請咗 J. Todd Coleman 入間公司,成為咗第一位駐柯士甸嘅員工[4]

喺2008年4月,經過3年嘅隱蔽之後,間公司終於宣佈自己嘅存在[5]。當時,間公司有大約100人,由 Akilian 做 CEO 同埋 David Nichols 做主席[6][7]。喺2008年尾,KingIsle 終於推出咗 Wizard101 ,到2012年9月,已經有超過3,000萬位註冊嘅玩家[1]

喺2010年2月,KingIsle 推出咗 WizardBox,一個嚟自 Wizard101 嘅細遊戲[8]。到2010年9月,間公司嘅120位員工,大部分呢都已經係喺柯士甸[2]。呢個數目到5個月後已經升到135人[9],跟住之後再升到220人[10]

喺2012年10月,KingIsle 基於原先嘅 Wizard101,推出咗第二個遊戲叫 Pirate101[11][12]。到11月,公司再推出 Grub Guardian[13]

喺2014年,Smartflash 對 KingIsle、蘋果公司、Game Circuis、同埋 Robot 娛樂,聲稱佢哋違反咗間公司嘅專利[14]。最終,大家喺法院以外解決咗之間嘅分歧[14]

喺2016年5月,KingIsle 裁員[15][16]。到2017年5月,公司推出咗 EverClicker[17]。到9月,喺 Round Rock 租咗寫字樓,成為咗公司嘅總部[18]。喺2018年8月,KingIsle 推出咗 Animal Cove: Match 3 Adventure[19]。喺9月,Dave Rosen 同埋 Craig Beers 加入咗公司嘅行政部門[20]

到2021年1月,喺馬耳他註冊嘅 Media and Games Invest 買起咗 KingIsle[21],而 Akilian 之後就成為咗新公司遊戲部門嘅行政主席[22]


  • 魔鬪學園101
  • WizardBlox
  • 海盜101
  • Grub Guardian
  • Rise & Destroy
  • AlphaCat
  • EverClicker
  • Animal Cove

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ewalt, David M. (December 6, 2012). "KingsIsle Entertainment's Path To Video Game Victory". Forbes. 原先內容歸檔喺April 3, 2017. 喺September 2, 2017搵到.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Calnan, Christopher (September 5, 2010). "KingsIsle Entertainment Inc. and Old World gaming". 原先內容歸檔喺October 12, 2010. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  3. Wilson, Heather (June 29, 2004). "Tektronix to acquire Inet". MarketWatch. 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  4. Greenwood, Giselle (February 24, 2008). "Game on". The Business Journals. 原先內容歸檔喺January 28, 2015. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  5. GamesIndustry International (April 25, 2008). "KingsIsle Entertainment launch". 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  6. Androvich, Mark (April 25, 2008). "New MMO developer KingsIsle unveiled". 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  7. Dobson, Jason (April 25, 2008). "Ion Storm, Wolfpack vets lift lid off KingsIsle Entertainment". Engadget. 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  8. "KingsIsle Entertainment releases its first iPhone game". The Business Journals. February 11, 2010. 原先內容歸檔喺July 21, 2021. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  9. "KingsIsle Entertainment donates $55K". The Business Journals. February 2, 2011. 原先內容歸檔喺July 21, 2021. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  10. Calnan, Christopher (August 3, 2012). "KingsIsle Entertainment beta tests its second game". The Business Journals. 原先內容歸檔喺August 5, 2012. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  11. Takahashi, Dean (September 30, 2012). "Aaargh! KingsIsle Entertainment's Pirate101 online game world to launch as early as Oct. 8". VentureBeat. 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  12. Calnan, Christopher (October 1, 2012). "KingsIsle plans second game release this month". The Business Journals. 原先內容歸檔喺April 2, 2017. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  13. Thompson, Mike (November 6, 2012). "KingsIsle launches Wizard101 tie-in, Grub Guardian, on iOS and web". Adweek. 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Mullin, Joe (February 25, 2015). "Company with no product wins $533M verdict vs. Apple, says it's no "patent troll"". Ars Technica. 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  15. Nutt, Christian (May 12, 2016). "Wizard101 studio KingsIsle confirms layoffs". Gamasutra. 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  16. Anderson, Will (May 23, 2016). "Video game developer sheds Austin workers". The Business Journals. 原先內容歸檔喺July 21, 2021. 喺October 18, 2018搵到.
  17. Hodapp, Eli (May 17, 2017). "Out Now: 'Beholder', 'No Stick Shooter', 'Terminator Genisys', 'Guns of Boom' and Loads More". TouchArcade. 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  18. Buchholz, Jan (September 21, 2017). "Real Estate Roundup: Hotel sales, new office space & a shop combining beer and kolaches". The Business Journals. 原先內容歸檔喺July 21, 2021. 喺October 18, 2018搵到.
  19. Nelson, Jared (August 15, 2018). "Out Now: 'Barbearian', 'Bendy in Nightmare Run', 'Legend of Solgard', 'Armed Heist', 'Thunderdogs', 'Evergarden', 'Harvey's New Eyes', 'Stranger Cases', 'WarPods' and More". TouchArcade. 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  20. Valentine, Rebekah (September 10, 2018). "Jobs Roundup: Activision chief marketing officer leaves for NFL". 原先內容歸檔喺October 20, 2018. 喺October 20, 2018搵到.
  21. Royce, Bree (January 18, 2021). "The company that owns Gamigo bought out Wizard101 studio KingsIsle too". Massively Overpowered. 原先內容歸檔喺September 2, 2023. 喺September 2, 2023搵到.
  22. Jebejian Bouldoukian, Talia (October 13, 2022). "Ahead of the Game". Armenian General Benevolent Union. 原先內容歸檔喺September 2, 2023. 喺September 2, 2023搵到.