寶血會上智英文書院 | |
校訓 | 智仁勇達 |
成立年份 | 1966 |
校監 | 蘇肖好修女 |
校長 | 馮鄭惠儀女士 |
地址 | 九龍石硤尾偉智街3號 |
電話 | 2779 3220 |
宗教 | 天主教 |
辦學團體 | 耶穌寶血女修會 |
網頁 | http://www.htc.edu.hk |
寶血會上智英文書院(Holy Trinity College,HTC)係位於香港石硤尾一間Band 1A天主教女子中學。
英文校名「Holy Trinity」係指天父、聖子同埋聖神。
Happy we in love united,
Of the Holy Trinity.
And of Mary, ever Virgin Daughter, Mother; Spouse is She.
Through her gracious intercession May the God head, One in Three,
Make us diligent and loyal, Strong in Faith and Purity.
Striving onwards, Striving upwards.
Let us never cease to be,
Daughters worthy of our Alma Mater,
Holy Trinity.
When temptations dark surround us,
we will always mindful be
of the Precious Blood of Jesus shed for us upon the Tree;
Blood that ope'd the gates of Heaven where we hope one day to See,
All our teachers and companions Worshipping the Trinity.
Striving onwards, Striving upwards.
Let us never cease to be,
Daughters worthy of our Alma Mater
Holy Trinity.