

不要戰爭!(俄语:Нет войне![註 1]羅馬化:Net voyne!發音:[nʲet vɐjˈnʲe])是2022年俄羅斯反戰抗議活動中示威者使用的反戰口號。[1][2][3][4]自2022年2月24日俄羅斯開始全面入侵烏克蘭的當天起,社交平台上開始出現「#нетвойне」的主題標籤,表示不贊成俄羅斯官方聲稱是對烏克蘭的「特別軍事行動」[5],並聲援烏克蘭人民。




一些為發動戰爭辯護的俄羅斯官員的親屬也通過「#нетвойне」的主題標籤表達了他們對克里姆林宮決定的不滿。其中包括克里姆林宮新聞秘書德米特里·佩斯科夫的女兒伊麗莎白·佩斯科娃(Елизавета Пескова)。[7]





列夫·波诺马廖夫英语Lev Ponomaryov發起了一項名為「Остановить войну с Украиной! - Нет войне」(「停止與烏克蘭的戰爭! - 不要戰爭。」)的請願書。截至2022年3月4日,已有超過118萬俄羅斯人簽署了請願書。[9][10]




  1. ^ 此處的войневойна賓格,相等於英語的「to war」。


  1. ^ At Least 1,400 Detained At Anti-War Protests Across Russia As 100,000 Rally For Peace In Berlin. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. 2022-02-27 [2022-03-08]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-08). 
  2. ^ Knauß, Ferdinand. #нетвойне: Russische Wissenschaftler, Künstler, Historiker protestieren gegen Putins Krieg - Widerstand im eigenen Land [#нетвойне: Russian scientists, artists, historians protest against Putin's war - Resistance in home country]. Tichys Einblick​(德语. 2022-03-03 [2022-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-03) (德语). 
  3. ^ Борисова [Borisova], Марина [Marina]; Вайц [Weitz], Виктор [Viktor]. Нет войне! Услышьте голоса миллионов - года Россия начала войну против Украины. Это война, которая не нужна россиянам. Это война, которую не хотят русские люди. Мы собрали реакции в социальных сетях. [No war! Hear the voices of millions - Russia started a war against Ukraine. This is a war that the Russians do not need. This is a war that the Russian people do not want. We collected reactions on social networks.]. Культура и стиль жизни (Culture and lifestyle). Deutsche Welle. 2022-02-24 [2022-03-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-20) (俄语). 
  4. ^ Naylor, Aliide. Amidst a Crackdown, Russia's Anti-War Artists and Activists Try To Reclaim the Streets. Opinion. ArtReview (London, UK: ArtReview Ltd). 2022-03-10 [2022-03-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-20). In Saint Petersburg last weekend, someone carved 'no to war' into the ice of a frozen stretch of the Moyka river, prompting authorities to partially paint over it in a putrid shade of cyan – and when realizing that it wasn't very effective, covering it with dirt. […] In the city of Vladimir too, authorities recently opened a criminal case against three artists on the basis of vandalism committed for ideological or political reasons, before painting over the 'no to war' graffiti that they may or may not have done. […] These small poignant protests and subsequent attempts to silence them would verge on the ridiculous, if the circumstances weren't so grim. One woman in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, Vera Kotova, was fined 30,000 rubles (around $200) for simply writing 'no to war' in the snow. 
  5. ^ Нет войне: российские знаменитости и деятели индустрий призывают прекратить боевые действия на Украине. [2022-04-13]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-28) (俄语). 
  6. ^ Mackintosh, Eliza. Russian tanks emblazoned with 'Z' were first spotted on Ukraine's border. Here's how the letter became a pro-war symbol. CNN World. Cable News Network. 2022-03-08 [2022-03-08]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-08). 
  7. ^ "Я против войны" [I am against the war]. Baza.io. [2022-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-28) (俄语). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Открытое письмо российских работников культуры и искусства против войны с Украиной [Open letter from Russian arts and culture workers against war with Ukraine]. 2022-02-27 [2022-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-28) (俄语). 
  9. ^ Stoppt den Krieg mit der Ukraine! Bereits über 1,18 Millionen Russen haben Petitionen unterschrieben [Stop the war with Ukraine! More than 1.18 million Russians signed petitions]. ScienceBlog - Kaleidoskop der Naturwissenschaften. Vienna, Austria: Institut für Science Outreach (i∫⊂⨀). Lew Ponomarjow: Gegen den Krieg - Net Voyne. 2022-03-04 [2022-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-19) (德语). 
  10. ^ Ponomaryov [Пономарев], Lev [Лев] (编), Остановить войну с Украиной! - Нет войне [Stop the war with Ukraine! No to war.], change.org (Change.org, PBC), March 2022, www.change.org/NetVoyne (俄语)