加德纳·墨菲 (英語:Gardner Murphy ,1895年7月8日—1979年3月18日)是一位美国心理學家 ,专攻人格心理學 和超心理学 [ 1] ,1944年担任美国心理学会 会长[ 2] ,主要作品有《近代心理学历史导引》(Historical Introduction to Modern Psychology ,与约瑟夫·柯瓦奇 合著)等。
Brown, J. F. Personality: A Biosocial Approach to Origins and Structure by Gardner Murphy . American Sociological Review . 1948, 13 (4): 497–498. JSTOR 2087247 . doi:10.2307/2087247 . hdl:2027/mdp.39015002393695 .
Faris, Robert E. L. Human Potentialities by Gardner Murphy. American Sociological Review . 1959, 24 (3): 429–430. JSTOR 2089411 . doi:10.2307/2089411 .
Griffith, Coleman . Experimental Social Psychology by Gardner Murphy; Lois Barclay Murphy . American Journal of Psychology . 1934, 46 (2): 367. JSTOR 1416596 . doi:10.2307/1416596 .
Loomis Jr, Earl A. Human Potentialities by Gardner Murphy . Review of Religious Research. 1960, 1 (3): 127–129. JSTOR 3510600 . doi:10.2307/3510600 .
Marriott, McKim. In the Minds of Men: The Study of Human Behavior and Social Tensions in India by Gardner Murphy . American Anthropologist . 1955, 57 (1): 173–174. doi:10.1525/aa.1955.57.1.02a00480 .
Monachesi, Elio D. Public Opinion and the Individual. by Gardner Murphy; Rensis Likert . American Journal of Sociology . 1938, 44 (3): 481. doi:10.1086/218049 .
Wohlwill, Joachim F. Development of the Perceptual World by Charles M. Solley; Gardner Murphy . American Journal of Psychology . 1962, 75 (1): 163–165. JSTOR 1419560 . doi:10.2307/1419560 . hdl:2027/mdp.39015002261991 .
Young, Kimball . Human Nature and Enduring Peace by Gardner Murphy. American Sociological Review . 1946, 11 (4): 493. JSTOR 2087343 . doi:10.2307/2087343 .