連接薩尼亞和美國密芝根州曉倫港的藍水大橋於1938年10月10日通車[6],而安大略省政府則從同年起在大橋的加拿大端落腳點興建一條長6.1公里(3.8英里)的雙程分隔道路。此道路名為藍水大橋連接路(Blue Water Bridge Approach),於1940年代末開通,並於三處設有平交路口[7][8],東端與40號公路較接。此道路於1952年獲編為402號公路,與400號和401號公路一起成為安大略省首批400系列公路。
^Construction of the Original Span. Blue Water Bridge Canada. February 22, 2008 [February 21, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-02). After dedication ceremonies on October 7th, 8th, and 9th, the Bridge was opened for regular traffic on October 10, 1938.
^Ontario Road Map (地图). Cartography by C.P. Robins. Ontario Department of Highways. Sarnia inset. 1946.
^Ontario Road Map (地图). Cartography by C.P. Robins. Ontario Department of Highways. Sarnia inset. 1949.
^Construction. Annual Report. Ontario Department of Highways. 1967: 76 [February 21, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-07). Several important freeway projects were completed including the 98-km Highway 402, Sarnia to London
^Highway Construction Program: King's and Secondary Highways. Ministry of Transportation and Communications. 1972–1973: xi.
^Public and Safety Information Branch. Phase Two of Highway 402 Officially Opened October 13 (新闻稿). Ministry of Transportation and Communications. October 13, 1978.
^Ontario Road Map (地图). Cartography by Cartography Section. Ministry of Transportation and Communications. § L18–M20. 1978/79.请检查|date=中的日期值 (帮助)
^Public and Safety Information Branch. Official Opening of Highway 402 (Phase III) Warwick to Highway 81 (新闻稿). Ministry of Transportation and Communications. November 26, 1979.
^New Section Opens on Highway to U.S.. The Toronto Star. November 18, 1981: A25.
^Construction. Annual Report. Ontario Department of Highways. 1982–1983: 76.
^McArthur, Donald; Kristy, Dylan. Airlift Begins for Motorists Stranded on Hwy. 402 in Lambton County. The Star (Windsor). December 14, 2010.
^Helms, Matt. Canadian Highway Reopens After Snow Closure. Detroit Free Press (Michigan). December 16, 2010.
^Carruthers, Dale. Highway 402 on track. The Observer (Sarnia: Sun Media). June 10, 2010 [June 24, 2010].[永久失效連結]