DeForest and Alpheus Henry Snow Prizes, Rhodes Scholarship
弗朗西斯·奥托·马西森(英語:Francis Otto Matthiessen,1902年2月19日—1950年4月1日)是一位在美国文学和美国研究领域有影响力的教育家、学者和文学评论家。[1] 他最著名的作品《美国文艺复兴:艾默生和惠特曼时代的艺术与表现》庆祝了几位19世纪美国作家的成就,并对一代学者产生了深远的影响。它还建立了美国文艺复兴时期作为通称来指19世纪中叶的美国文学。马西森以其对自由主义事业和进步政治的支持而闻名。他对哈佛大学的贡献以多种方式被纪念,包括最近被赋予访问教授职位。
Helen Bayne Knapp, Matthiessen, and Russell Cheney: photo taken in Cheney的花园,1925年马西森碑 at Eliot House, 哈佛大学, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Translation: An Elizabethan Art, ISBN0781270340, (January 1931)
The Achievement of T. S. Eliot: An Essay on the Nature of Poetry, Oxford University Press (1935)
American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman, ISBN0-19-500759-X, Oxford University Press (1941) (also available in many other editions)
Herman Melville: Selected Poems, edited, New Directions (1944)
Henry James: The Major Phase, ISBN0195012259, Oxford University Press (June 1944)
Russell Cheney, 1881–1945: A Record of His Work, Oxford University Press (1947)
The Notebooks of Henry James, edited by F.O. Matthiessen and Kenneth B. Murdock, (first edition 1947) ISBN0-226-51104-9, University of Chicago Press (1981)
From the Heart of Europe, Oxford University Press (1948)
The Education of a Socialist, Monthly Review, Vol 2 No 6, October 1950 (posthumous)
Of Crime and Punishment, Monthly Review, Vol 2 No 6, October 1950 (posthumous)
The Oxford Book of American Verse, ISBN0195000498, Oxford University Press (December 1950)
Responsibilities of the Critic, ISBN0195000072, Oxford University Press (posthumous - 1952)
The James Family: A Group Biography, ISBN0715638386, Alfred A. Knopf (1947, posthumous - 1961)
To the Memory of Phelps Putnam, essay in The Collected Poems of H. Phelps Putnam, ISBN0374126275, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux (posthumous - 1971)
Monthly Review, Vol 2 No 6, October 1950, entire edition dedicated to FOM with two essays by FOM and essays and statements by friends and scholars including Leo Marx, Paul Sweezy, Alfred Kazin, Corliss Lamont, Kenneth Murdock, May Sarton and Richard Wilbur
Arac, Jonathan. "F. O. Matthiessen: Authorizing an American Renaissance." The American Renaissance Reconsidered. Eds. Walter Benn Michaels and Donald Pease. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1985.
Hyde, Louis, ed. Rat and the Devil: Journal Letters of F. O. Matthiessen and Russell Cheney. Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, 1978. ISBN1-55583-110-9; ISBN0-208-01655-4.
Leverenz, L. David. Manhood and the American Renaissance. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1989.