自 1754 年以来,该地区一直是皇家野生动物保护区,并于 1979 年被纳入Jajrood 保护区。[3]
海拔 1,400 米(4,600 英尺)以上的植被包括最主要的翅轴黄连木( Pistacia atlantica)、叶樱桃( Prunus lycioides ),其间点缀着鼠李属( Rhamnus pallasi )、波斯桧树 ( Juniperus excelsa )、欧洲酸樱桃 ( Prunus cerasus ) 和栒子灌木丛。[5]
自 2005 年以来,在保护区内使用热成像仪调查记录到了波斯豹和亚洲野猫,并于 2008 年春天首次记录到了一只兔耳猫。[6]
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- ^ Chalani, M.; Ghoddousi, A.; Ghadirian, T.; Goljani, R. First Pallas's Cat Photo-trapped in Khojir National Park, Iran. Cat News. 2008, (49): 7.
- ^ Kolahi, M.; Moriya, K.; Sakai, T.; Khosrojerdi, E.; Etemad, V. "Introduction of participatory conservation in Iran: case study of the rural communities' perspectives in Khojir National Park" (PDF). [2021-04-08]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-04-28) –通过International Journal of Environmental Research. (英语).
- ^ Sanger, David E.;Bergman, Ronen;Fassihi, Farnaz. Explosion at Iranian missile facility produces conspiracy theories. The Globe and Mail Inc. The New York Times News Service. 2020-06-29 [2021-04-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-23).
- ^ Abkenar, KT;Salehi, A.;Bagheri, J.;Ravanbakhsh, H. "Some Ecological Properties of Pistacia atlantica Desf. in Khojir National Park of Iran". Chinese Journal of Applied Environmental Biology. [2024-12-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-17).
- ^ Chalani, M.; Ghoddousi, A.; Ghadirian, T.; Goljani, R. First Pallas's Cat Photo-trapped in Khojir National Park, Iran. Cat News. [2024-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-04).