2023年亞洲射箭錦標賽 |
主辦城市 | 泰國曼谷 |
日期 | 11月3日至10日 |
* 主办国家/地区(泰國)
- ^ Ain, Qurratul. Asian Archery Championships 2023: Full Schedule, squads, match timings and live streaming details. www.sportskeeda.com. 2023-11-05 [2023-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-10) (美国英语).
- ^ Kazakhstan's men grab Olympic team spot for Paris 2024. World Archery. 2023-11-08 [2023-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-09).
- ^ 청주시청 양궁부 김우진, 2023 아시아선수권대회에서 2관왕 [Kim Woo-jin of Cheongju City Hall's archery club wins two gold medals at the 2023 Asian Championships]. 중부매일 - 충청권 대표 뉴스 플랫폼. 2023-11-10 [2023-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-12) (韩语).
- ^ 조선일보. 한국 양궁, 亞선수권 리커브 전종목 우승 [Korean archery wins all recurve events at the Asian Championships]. 조선일보. 2023-11-09 [2023-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-10) (韩语).
- ^ Сатиева, Камшат. Садақ атудан 17 жасар отандасымыз Азия чемпионы атанды [Our 17-year-old compatriot became the Asian champion in archery]. zakon.kz. 2023-11-09 [2023-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-10) (哈萨克语).
- ^ Indian archers win two bronze, confirm four more medals in Asian Championships. The Times of India. 2023-11-08 [2023-11-10]. ISSN 0971-8257. (原始内容存档于2023-11-16).
- ^ 조선일보. 女양궁, 아시아선수권 6연패…파리올림픽 출전권 싹쓸이 [Women's archery wins 6th consecutive Asian Championships; sweeping qualifications for the Paris Olympics]. 조선일보. 2023-11-09 [2023-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-10) (韩语).
- ^ Sportstar, Team. Asian Archery C'Ships: Parneet defeats Jyothi to clinch title; India's compound mixed, women's team win gold. Sportstar. 2023-11-09 [2023-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-10) (英语).