每节机车装有两组完全相同的900马力柴油发电机组,采用两台温顿发动机公司的12-201A型二冲程柴油机。电传动系统由两台D4型直流牵引发电机和四台D7型直流牵引电动机组成,机车单节功率为1800马力,A节机车还设有电阻制动装置。每节机车均采用A1A-A1A轴式配置,走行部为两台布贝格式三轴转向架,转向架的中间轴没有牵引电动机。这种转向架由工程师马丁·布贝格(英语:Martin P. Blomberg)设计,车体重量通过中心销、摇枕、构架等部件由两台转向架承担,这种转向架以后成为了易安迪E系列、F系列柴油机车的标准转向架。
Lamb, J. Parker. Evolution of the American Diesel Locomotive. Railroads Past and Present. Bloomington, IN, USA: Indiana University Press. 2007. ISBN 9780253348630.
Solomon, Brian. Electro-Motive E-Units and F-Units: The Illustrated History of North America's Favorite Locomotives. Minneapolis, MN, USA: Voyageur Press. 2011. ISBN 9780760340073.
Solomon, Brian. North American Locomotives: A Railroad-by-Railroad Photohistory. Minneapolis, MN, USA: Voyageur Press. 2012. ISBN 9780760343708.
Wilson, Jeff. E Units: Electro-Motive's Classic Streamliners. Classic Trains / Golden Years of Railroading series. Waukesha, WI, USA: Kalmbach Publishing. 2002. ISBN 0890246068.