截至2011年,還沒有已知的O-2存在。然而,2011年,1933年3月16日在德克薩斯州凱莉空軍基地Kelly Field(英语:凱莉空軍基地Kelly Field)尋找到一架墜毀的O-2H(序列29-163)殘。該機已得到部分的修復,並仍在持續研究。據了解,它是由航空學員查爾斯·D·羅傑斯(英語:Charles D. Rogers)所駕駛,執行夜間偵察高級訓練任務。飛機墜毀後撞上一座小山並燃燒,今天只留下了殘骸,羅傑斯在事故中因撞擊當場死亡。由於機身和發動機都已報廢,殘骸被遺棄。
^Martyr Peng Ren-bian. air.mnd.gov.tw. [2020-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-02) (英语). On 26th August 1937, 2Lt. Peng Ren-bian flew a Douglas O2MC from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province to Shanghai to raid Japanese forces, and accomplished the mission over the target area. While flying back, he was suddenly attacked by multiple hostile aircraft, and killed in the skies over Lin’an of Zhejiang. He was given a posthumous promotion to the rank of first lieutenant, and was survived by his parents and wife.
^Gustavsson, Hakans. Håkans Aviation page – Sino-Japanese Air War 1937. Biplane Fighter Aces - China. [2020-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-28). 14 October 1937, at 16:00, 18 Chinese aircraft (three Martin 139WCs, two Heinkel He111s, five Douglas O-2MCs, three Hawk IIIs and five Northrop Gammas) took off from Nanking to attack Shanghai airfields and warehouses; five Japanese bombers escorted by five fighters, arrived about five minutes after the Chinese attack force took off... barely escaping the raid by... the Japanese planes bombed the vacant airfield without inflicting much damage. Starting at 21:00, one aircraft was sent every hour for night-bombing runs on Japanese targets in Shanghai until 03:00 on 15 October 1937.
^Francillon, Rene. McDonnell Douglas Aircraft since 1920 (Putnam, 1979), p.89.