乔治·M·马斯登(英語:George Mish Marsden,1939年2月25日—)是一位美国历史学家,专攻美国文化与基督教关系史,1995年获古根海姆獎[2],主要作品有《复兴神学家爱德华兹》(Jonathan Edwards: A Life,获得2004年的班克洛夫特獎与梅尔·柯蒂奖[3])、《美国大学之魂》(The Soul of the American University: From Protestant Establishment to Established Nonbelief)和《认识美国基要派与福音派》(Understanding fundamentalism and evangelicalism)等。
- Dochuk, Darren; Kidd, Thomas S.; Peterson, Kurt W. (编). Appendix: George Marsden's Doctoral Students and Their Dissertations. American Evangelism: George Marsden and the State of American Religious History. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. 2014. ISBN 978-0-268-15855-2.
- Marsden, George M. The New School Presbyterian Mind: A Study of Theology in Mid-Nineteenth Century America (PhD论文). New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University. 1966. OCLC 13386337.
- Marsden, George (Mish) 1939–. Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series 142. Detroit, Michigan: Gale: 272–276. 2006. ISBN 978-1-4144-0544-5. ISSN 0275-7176.