《人类季刊》是一个伪科学期刊,内容涵盖体质人类学和文化人类学, 包括人類演化、智力、人种学、语言学、神话学、考古学和生物学。它被描述为“科學種族主義建制的基石”、“白人優越主義期刊”[1][2][3][4]和“宣扬种族不平等的偽學術渠道”[5][6][7] 《人類季刊》由白人民族主義組織人類多元性基金會(Human Diversity Foundation)出版[8]。
該雜誌於1960年在種族隔離主義者的資助下創辦,旨在成為種族隔離主義者表達其觀點的喉舌。创刊费用由先锋基金会的威克利夫·德雷珀 (Wickliffe Draper)支付[9][10]。 创始人为Robert Gayre 、 Henry Garrett 、 Roger Pearson 、 Corrado Gini 、 Luigi Gedda (荣誉顾问委员会)[11]、Otmar von Verschuer和Reginald Ruggles Gates。另一位早期编辑是赫伯特·查尔斯·桑伯恩(Herbert Charles Sanborn)[12],他在1921年至1942年曾担任美國范德堡大学哲学与心理学系主任。該雜志最初于蘇格蘭爱丁堡由国际民族学和优生学促进会出版,该协会由德雷珀创立,旨在推广優生學和科学种族主义[9]。
1961年,体质人类学家胡安·科马斯 (Juan Comas)发表了一系列严厉批评该期刊的文章,他认为该期刊打着科学的幌子來傳播北歐主義和反犹太主义等已不足信的种族意识形态[14][15] 。1963年,在该期刊创刊第一期后,撰稿人UR Ehrenfels 、TN Madan和Juan Comas表示,该期刊的编辑行爲存在偏见和误导性[16]。该期刊发表了一系列针对科马斯的反驳和攻击作爲回應[17]。科马斯在《当代人类学》杂志上指出,该期刊发表A.詹姆斯·格雷戈尔对科马斯的《种族神话》一书的评论是出于政治动机。科马斯声称该期刊通过坚持过时的种族意识形态歪曲了体质人类学领域,例如声称当时的种族生物学家认为犹太人是一个“生物种族”。其他人类学家抱怨说,那些与编辑委员会的种族意识形态不一致的段落在未经作者同意的情况下就从发表的文章中删除了[16][13] :163–164[18]。
很少有專業學術的人類學家愿意在该期刊上发表文章或担任其董事会成员;Gates去世后,有人请同情该期刊观点的人类学家卡尔顿·S·库恩 (Carleton S. Coon)接替他,但他拒绝了这一提议,并表示“我担心,对于一名专业人类学家来说,接受你们董事会的成员资格将是死亡之吻”[來源請求]。该期刊在资助资金的支持下继续出版。出版商罗杰·皮尔逊(Roger Pearson)在1980年代和1990年代从先锋基金会获得了超过一百万美元的资助[6][19][20]。
在1990年代的“钟形曲线战争”期间,这本期刊受到了很大的关注,因爲《钟形曲线》的反对者公开了这样一个事实:《钟形曲线》作者理查德·赫恩斯坦和查尔斯·默里所引用的一些著作最早曾发表在《人类季刊》上[6]。在《纽约书评》中,查尔斯·莱恩 (Charles Lane) 提到了《钟形曲线》的“污染来源”,书中引用的参考书目中的17位研究人员曾为《人类季刊》撰写过文章,其中10人甚至也曾担任该杂志的编辑。 《人类季刊》是“一份臭名昭著的‘种族历史’杂志,由那些相信白种人基因优越性的人创办和资助[21]。”
该期刊自2015年1月起由阿尔斯特社会研究所(Ulster Institute for Social Research)出版,出版职责从罗杰·皮尔逊的社会和经济研究委员会(该委员会自1979年起出版该期刊)转移而来[22]。
截至2023年 (2023-Missing required parameter 1=month!)[update],雜志主編為Gerhard Meisenberg[23]。之前的編輯包括 Roger Pearson,[24] Edward Dutton, 和理查德·林恩[25]。
《人类季刊》由阿尔斯特社会研究所出版,该研究所由理查德·林恩担任主席,直至 2023 年去世。[26][25]
自2024年起, 《人类季刊》由丹麦极右翼活动家埃米尔·柯克加德(Emil Kirkegaard)创立的白人民族主义人类多样性基金会出版。[8]该基金会还出版《Aporia》杂志。[8]
白人至上主义者、 OpenPsych杂志创始人埃米尔·柯克加德在2017年至2023年2月期间是《人类季刊》网站的注册人,此后WHOIS信息被匿名化[27][28]。2024年2月,柯克加德在美國怀俄明注册成立了人类出版社有限责任公司 (Mankind Publishing House LLC)。[28]
《人类季刊》被描述为“科学种族主义建制的基石”、“白人至上主义杂志”[29] 、“臭名昭著的种族主义杂志”和“科学种族主义的火焰守护者”[6]。该杂志被批评为过于政治化和强烈的右倾,支持优生学[30],种族主义或法西斯主义[31][32]。
- 智力雜誌 (Intelligence)
- 历史评论杂志
- 社会、政治和经济研究杂志
- 新人类学
- 西方季刊
- 开放心理学
- 心理学
- ^ Bastek, Stephanie. Junk Science. The American Scholar. 9 August 2019.
- ^ Saini, Angela. Why race science is on the rise again. The Guardian. : 18 May 2019.
- ^ Bothwell, Ellie. UCL launches investigation into secret eugenics conference. Times Higher Education. 11 January 2018.
- ^ Gresson, Aaron; Kincheloe, Joe L.; Steinberg, Shirley R. (编). Measured Lies: The Bell Curve Examined 1st St. Martin's Griffin. St. Martin's Press. 14 March 1997: 39. ISBN 978-0-312-17228-2.
- ^ Jackson Jr., John P.; Winston, Andrew S. The Mythical Taboo on Race and Intelligence
. Review of General Psychology. 7 October 2020, 25 (1): 3–26. S2CID 225143131. doi:10.1177/1089268020953622.
- ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Tucker, William H. The funding of scientific racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund. University of Illinois Press. 2002. ISBN 978-0-252-07463-9. 引用错误:带有name属性“Tucker2002”的
- ^ Winston, Andrew S. Scientific Racism and North American Psychology. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. 29 May 2020. ISBN 978-0-19-023655-7. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190236557.013.516.
- ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Shukman, Harry; Hermansson, Patrik. Race Science Inc. Undercover in The Human Diversity Foundation, the million-dollar race science company. Hope Not Hate. 2024. (原始内容存档于October 16, 2024) (英国英语).
HDF has incorporated the Pioneer Fund’s old operations. In private conversations with our infiltrator, HDF leaders said “we have” Mankind Quarterly. On an internal slide deck prepared by the company, Mankind Quarterly was similarly listed as part of HDF’s operations... The team aims to slip papers into academic journals with higher impact and circulation than their own publications. If unable to do so, HDF will publish the group’s papers in their print journal Mankind Quarterly or the OpenPsych website, which has been described as “a pseudoscience factory-farm”.
引用错误:带有name属性“Shukman 2024”的<ref>
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Schaffer, G. Racial Science and British Society, 1930-62. Springer. 2 September 2008: 142–3. ISBN 9780230582446 (英语).
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Schaffer, Gavin. "'Scientific' Racism Again?": Reginald Gates, the "Mankind Quarterly" and the Question of "Race" in Science after the Second World War. Journal of American Studies. 2007, 41 (2): 253–278. JSTOR 27557994. S2CID 145322934. doi:10.1017/S0021875807003477.
The Mankind Quarterly was designed as an objective foil to the folly of UNESCO and "post-racial" science.
Schaffer, Gavin (2007). ""'Scientific' Racism Again?": Reginald Gates, the "Mankind Quarterly" and the Question of "Race" in Science after the Second World War". Journal of American Studies. 41 (2): 253–278. doi:10.1017/S0021875807003477. JSTOR 27557994. S2CID 145322934. The Mankind Quarterly was designed as an objective foil to the folly of UNESCO and "post-racial" science.
- ^ 11.0 11.1 Cassata F. Against UNESCO: Gedda, Gini and American scientific racism. Med Secoli. 2008, 20 (3): 907–935. PMID 19848223. Cassata F (2008). "Against UNESCO: Gedda, Gini and American scientific racism". Med Secoli. 20 (3): 907–935. PMID 19848223. 引用错误:带有name属性“cassata”的
- ^ History and Philosophy. Mankind Quarterly. [22 September 2015]. (原始内容存档于9 April 2015) –通过Internet Archive.
- ^ 13.0 13.1 Jackson, John P. Science for Segregation: Race, Law, and the Case against Brown v. Board of Education
. NYU Press. 2005. ISBN 978-0-8147-4271-6. While the IAAEE scientists were deep into the fight to preserve racial segregation in the American South, they were also involved in a battle on a different front. They had launched their own journal, Mankind Quarterly, which purported to be dedicated to an open discussion of the scientific study of racial issues.
Jackson, John P. (2005). Science for Segregation: Race, Law, and the Case against Brown v. Board of Education. NYU Press. ISBN 978-0-8147-4271-6. While the IAAEE scientists were deep into the fight to preserve racial segregation in the American South, they were also involved in a battle on a different front. They had launched their own journal, Mankind Quarterly, which purported to be dedicated to an open discussion of the scientific study of racial issues.
- ^ Comas Juan. "Scientific" Racism Again?. Current Anthropology. 1961, 2 (4): 303–340. S2CID 144747308. doi:10.1086/200208.
- ^ Comas Juan. More on "Scientific" Racism. Current Anthropology. 1962, 3 (3): 284–302. S2CID 144911990. doi:10.1086/200293.
- ^ 16.0 16.1 Ehrenfels, U. R.; Madan, T. N.; Comas, J. Mankind Quarterly Under Heavy Criticism: 3 Comments on Editorial Practices. Current Anthropology. 1962, 3 (2): 154–158. JSTOR 2739528. S2CID 143606207. doi:10.1086/200265.
- ^ Gates, R. R. & Gregor, A. J. Mankind Quarterly: Gates and Gregor Reply to Critics. Current Anthropology. 1963, 4 (1): 119–121. JSTOR 2739826. S2CID 144086425. doi:10.1086/200345.
- ^ Harrison G. Ainsworth. The Mankind Quarterly. Man. 1961, 61: 163–164. JSTOR 2796948. doi:10.2307/2796948.
- ^ Mehler, Barry (7 July 1998). Race Science and the Pioneer Fund 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期17 June 2016. Originally published as "The Funding of the Science" in Searchlight, No. 277.
- ^ Genoves, Santiago. Racism and "The Mankind Quarterly". Science. 8 December 1961, 134 (3493): 1928–1932. Bibcode:1961Sci...134.1928G. ISSN 1095-9203. PMID 17831127. doi:10.1126/science.134.3493.1928 (英语).
- ^ Weyher, Harry F.; Lane, Charles. 'The Bell Curve' and Its Sources. The New York Review of Books. 2 February 1995.
- ^ Editorial Panel, Mankind Quarterly, [19 September 2023] .
- ^ Mankind Quarterly - About. 1 April 2023 [2024-01-23]. (原始内容存档于1 April 2023).
- ^ Schaffer, Gavin. "'Scientific' Racism Again?":1 Reginald Gates, the Mankind Quarterly and the Question of "Race" in Science after the Second World War
. Journal of American Studies. 2007-07-05, 41 (2): 253–278. ISSN 1469-5154. S2CID 145322934. doi:10.1017/S0021875807003477 (英语).
- ^ 25.0 25.1 Obituaries, Telegraph. Richard Lynn, evolutionary psychologist who declared his belief in the benefits of eugenics – obituary. The Telegraph. 31 August 2023 [2024-01-23]. ISSN 0307-1235 –通过www.telegraph.co.uk. Obituaries, Telegraph (31 August 2023). "Richard Lynn, evolutionary psychologist who declared his belief in the benefits of eugenics – obituary". The Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235. Retrieved 23 January 2024 – via www.telegraph.co.uk. 引用错误:带有name属性“telegraph”的
- ^ Home Page. Ulster Institute for Social Research. [4 September 2022]. (原始内容存档于29 March 2022).
- ^ Wilson, Jason. Scientist cited in push to oust Harvard's Claudine Gay has links to eugenicists. The Guardian. 2024. (原始内容存档于May 29, 2024) (英国英语).
- ^ 28.0 28.1 Wolfson, Leo. White Supremacist Who Wants Legal Child Porn Doing Business Through Wyoming LLC. Cowboy State Daily. 2024. (原始内容存档于May 24, 2024) (英国英语).
- ^ Gresson, Aaron; Kincheloe, Joe L.; Steinberg, Shirley R. (编). Measured Lies: The Bell Curve Examined 1st St. Martin's Griffin. St. Martin's Press. 14 March 1997: 39. ISBN 978-0-312-17228-2.
- ^ Mehler, Barry. Foundation for fascism: The new eugenics movement in the United States. Patterns of Prejudice. December 1989, 23 (4): 17–25. doi:10.1080/0031322X.1989.9970026.
- ^ Schaffer, Gavin. Racial science and British society, 1930–62. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008.
- ^ Gelb, Steven A. Heart of Darkness: The Discreet Charm of the Hereditarian Psychologist. The Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies. 1997, 19 (1): 129–139. doi:10.1080/1071441970190110.
- ^ Title and Product Update Lists. ATLA Religion Database. American Theological Library Association. [4 January 2019].
- ^ 34.0 34.1 34.2 Mankind Quarterly. MIAR: Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals. University of Barcelona. [4 January 2019].
- ^ Source details: Mankind Quarterly. Scopus preview. Elsevier. [4 January 2019].