伯特府邸位于华盛顿G街西北2000号,后在1914年出售给一名亚拉巴马州参议员[5]。大约从1910年开始,伯特与米莱特居于一处[6](米莱特的妻子莉莉留在意大利的家中)。两人关系密切,因举办国会议员、最高法院大法官和塔夫脱总统出席的的大型聚会而知名[7]。华盛顿邮报将他们的友谊与达蒙和皮蒂亚斯(英语:Damon and Pythias)的关系相提并论[8]。
^英文原文:If Archie could have selected a time to die he would have chosen the one God gave him. His life was spent in self–sacrifice, serving others. His forgetfulness of self had become a part of his nature. Everybody who knew him called him Archie. I couldn't prepare anything in advance to say here. I tried, but couldn't. He was too near me. He was loyal to my predecessor, Mr. Roosevelt, who selected him to be military aide, and to me he had become as a son or a brother.
^碑文:In memory of Francis Davis Millet – 1846–1912 – and Archibald Willingham Butt – 1865–1912. This monument has been erected by their friends with the sanction of Congress.
F. Abbott, Lawrence. "Introduction." In Butt, Archibald Willingham. The Letters of Archie Butt, Personal Aide to President Roosevelt. Garden City. 1924.
Hugh, Brewster. Gilded Lives, Fatal Voyage: The Titanic's First-Class Passengers and Their World. New York: Random House. 2012.
Thomas J., Carrier. Washington D.C.: A Historical Walking Tour. Arcadia Publishing. 1999.
Joint Memorial to Maj. Archibald W. Butt and Francis Davis Millet. To accompany S.J. Resolution 108.. Committee on the Library. 1912-06-08.
Evelyn, Douglas E.; Dickson, Paul; Ackerman, S.J. On This Spot: Pinpointing the Past in Washington, D.C.. Capital Books. 2008. ISBN 1-933102-70-5.
The Fountain in Memory of Francis Davis Millet, Archibald Willingham Butt. Washington, D.C. 1913.
Webb B., Garrison. A Treasury of Titanic Tales. Nashville, Tenn: Rutledge Hill Press. 1998.
Don, Lynch. Titanic: An Illustrated History. New York: Hyperion. 1993.
George M., Stephenson. American History Since 1865. New York: Harper & Bros. 1939.
Sally K., Tompkins; Boucher, Jack E. A Quest for Grandeur: Charles Moore and the Federal Triangle. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. 1993.