1927 年,内华达州州长Fred Balzar任命矿物县地方检察官 Jay White 为州副总,目的是进行重组。 1928年,第40师在雷诺成立第40宪兵连,有60名士兵。怀特热情地接受了他作为副将的角色,即使在巴尔扎尔于 1934 年去世后,他仍然是内华达州的副将。在二战期间国家军队被联邦化后,他再次帮助重组了内华达国民警卫队。战争期间,内华达卫队部署在世界各地,并在太平洋战区看到了行动。 [6]
^Americans feared a regular, or standing, army and centralized power as a result of its experiences with British troops stationed in the colonies during and after the French and Indian War (1757-1763). Advocates for a strong- standing, federal force, such as Alexander Hamilton and George Washington, felt it brought higher professional military standards than the state militias they believed unreliable and poorly trained. Still, the U.S. Constitution in 1789 only authorized Congress to support a standing army for no more than two years at a time. The 1792 Militia Act provided for the president to call out the militia of the states “whenever the United States shall be invaded, or be in imminent danger of invasion from any foreign nation or Indian tribe,” but it left organization and oversight to the state legislatures and governors. The French and Spanish colonies also influenced militia tradition in the New World. These militia had increased state control in comparison to the English colonies. For instance, in New Spain, the crown established a mission, a presidio, and a town in concert.
^Myron Angel, History of Nevada (Oakland, CA: Thompson and West, 1881), 153; Dan C. B. Rathbun, Nevada Military Place Names of the Indian Wars and Civil War (Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 2002), 90; other military posts in Nevada included Fort Ruby (1862-1869), Fort McDermit (1865-1889), and Fort Halleck (1867- 1886).
^Lieutenant William R. Hamilton, “The National Guard of Nevada,” Outing, 26 (October 1895-March 1896), 493.
^State of Nevada, Report, 1903-1904, 3; Adjutant General of the State of Nevada, Report, 1905-1906, 11.
^“Notes on the Military presence in Nevada, 1843-1988,” Michael Brodhead, Nevada Historical Society Quarterly (Winter 1989): 264: Jay White correspondence papers, Nevada State Archives. The federal military presence also grew during the interwar years. In 1930, the first federal military base in four decades appeared in Nevada with construction of the Naval Ammunition Depot in Hawthorne, Nevada. In 1926, after an explosion killed 50 people and injured hundreds at the naval depot in Lake Denmark, New Jersey, a court inquiry required Navy officials to explore remote locations away from more-populated regions for a new munitions storage. Eventually, the Navy decided on Hawthorne in Mineral County. It soon became the world’s largest ammunitions depot, located about halfway between Reno and Tonopah. This was only the beginning of the federal government’s 20th-century military presence in Nevada. In 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range, now known as Nellis Air Force Base. Additional military installations included the Naval Air Station in Fallon, originally created as an Army Air Corps field in 1942. Also that year, the Army Air Base in present-day Stead, north of Reno, served as a base for air-transport command. Renamed Stead Air Force Base, it was used in the 1960s as U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command’s Advanced Survival School. Chuck Yeager trained during World War II as a fighter pilot at the Tonopah Army Air Field.
^Jay H. White, “Brief History Nevada National Guard, 1912-1941,” published in Adjutant General of the State of Nevada, Report, 1945-1946, 29; Adjutant General of the State of Nevada, Report, 1948-1949, 5; The Journal of the Assembly of the Special Session of the Legislature of Nevada, 1949, 14; Gerald Nash, The American West in the Twentieth Century: A Short History of an Urban Oasis (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973), 202; David Loomis, Combat Zoning: Military Land-Use Planning in Nevada (Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1993), 5.
^According to article 12 of the Nevada Constitution, the legislature shall organize a militia and authorize the governor to call out the militia “to execute the laws of the state, or to suppress insurrection or repel invasion.” On May 10, 1865, the first Nevada legislature organized the state militia in one division and four brigades. The position of adjutant general, an appointed position during the first two years of statehood, became ex officio, or an additional duty, of Nevada’s secretary of state from 1866 to 1873. In 1873, it fell to the lieutenant governor’s office. It remained an ex officio position throughout the first century of Nevada’s history, and, according to a Legislative Council Bureau report in 1948, the position had long been “buffeted around like an old cavalry boot.” Nonetheless, the elected official taking on the additional duty was expected to keep records on both the enrolled and organized militia of the state and produce a report to the governor every other year.
^Adjutant General of the State of Nevada, Report, 1968-1969, 7.
^Airman, “The High Rollers of Reno: Nevada ANG ‘recce’ pilots are accustomed to winning,” Volume XXIX, No. 9, September 1980, page 44.
^“Nevada Air Guard marks 50 years of flight duty,” Reno Gazette-Journal, April 3, 1998; “Nevadans Given a Jolt as Air Guard is Called,” Nevada State Journal, Jan. 26, 1968; “Remembers the Past, Preparing for the Future,” Nevada Air National Guard’s 50th anniversary yearbook, 69.
^Adjutant General of the State of Nevada, Report, 2017-2018, 8.
^Adjutant General of the State of Nevada, Report, 2017-2018.
^Broadhead, Michael. "Office of the Military". Nevada State Library Archives and Public Records website. Nevada State Library Archives and Public Records. Retrieved 23 February 2016.