前進空中管制員(英語:Forward Air Controller,縮寫:FAC)是種專門引導飛機進行密接空中支援(Close Air Support,CAS)[1]的一種兵種,使飛機在執行對地攻擊時能打擊正確的目標同時也避免誤傷友軍(英语:Friendly fire)。這種任務叫做前進空中管制(Forward air control)[2]
^Tactical air control: the job explained. 倫敦: The Daily Telegraph. 2007年8月24日 [2010年5月2日]. (原始内容存档于2020年3月24日). The primary role of the forward air controller is to direct combat strike aircraft onto enemy targets in support of ground troops.
^Joint Air Operations Interim Joint warfare Publication 3-30(PDF). MoD: 4–5. [2016年12月28日]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2011年6月8日). CAS in defined as air action against targets that are in close proximity to friendly forces and require detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and movement of these forces
^存档副本. [2009-05-25]. (原始内容存档于2009-09-03)., Colin Richardson, Mapping the coast of Mahra, The British-Yemeni Society, The British-Yemeni Society, 2005. Retrieved 1 October 2015.
^[6] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Anonymous, "Forward Air Controllers (FAC) - 4704", INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE TRAINING, Royal Air Force, publication date unknown, unpaginated. Retrieved 4 October 2015.
^[7] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Anonymous, "Join as a Soldier", Ministry of Defence. Retrieved 4 October 2015.
^存档副本. [2009-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2007-06-10)., Anonymous, "Specialist Qualification", Ministry of Defence Archived 10 June 2007 at the Wayback Machine.
^[8] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Anonymous, "The RAF Regiment - Experiences of a Forward Air Controller". Raf.mod.uk Retrieved 28 April 2013.
^[9] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Editor. "Australian excels in Afghan Army advisory role". Tribune International (Australia), 18 October 2014. Retrieved 4 October 2014.
^Anonymous. "Cooper Dale makes a difference in Afghanistan". South Coast Register 16 September 2014. [10] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Retrieved 4 October 2015.
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Lester, Gary Robert (1987). Mosquitoes to Wolves: The Evolution of the Airborne Forward Air Controller. Air University Press. ISBNs 1-58566-033-7, 978-1-58566-033-9.
Nalty, Bernard C. (2005). War Against Trucks: Aerial Interdiction in Southern Laos 1968- 1972. Air Force History and Museums Program, United States Air Force. ISBN 9781477550076.
Norval, Morgan (1990). Death in the Desert: The Namibian Tragedy. Selous Foundation Press. ISBNs: 0944273033, 978-0944273036.
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Shepperd, Don (2002). Misty, First Person Stories of the F-100 Misty Fast FAC in the Vietnam War. 1st Books Library. ISBN 0-7596-5254-6.
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