1586年教父阿隆松·巴尔扎纳记录了托诺科特语语法,现已散佚。1732年安东尼奥·马乔尼不知道巴尔扎纳的语法著作,而是自己写了一部卢莱-托诺科特语著作:Arte y vocabulario de la lengua lule y tonocoté(《卢莱人、托诺科特人语言艺术与词汇》)。这是目前最基本的语言研究材料。Métraux (1946)总结卢莱语不同于托诺科特语,且很可能是互不相关的语言,且米拉弗洛雷斯传教团的托诺科特人在马乔尼时代已经改说卢莱语。
马乔尼记录了有元音/a e i o u/和几种辅音的语言。重音在末音节。音节开头和结尾都可以有复辅音:quelpç[kelpts]“我撕”、slimst[slimst]“我擤鼻子”、oalécst[walekst]“我知道”、stuç[stuts]“我扔”。
Campbell, Lyle. (1997). American Indian languages: The historical linguistics of Native America. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN0-19-509427-1.
Kaufman, Terrence. (1990). Language history in South America: What we know and how to know more. In D. L. Payne (Ed.), Amazonian linguistics: Studies in lowland South American languages (pp. 13–67). Austin: University of Texas Press. ISBN0-292-70414-3.
Kaufman, Terrence. (1994). The native languages of South America. In C. Mosley & R. E. Asher (Eds.), Atlas of the world's languages (pp. 46–76). London: Routledge.
Zamponi, Raoul. (2008). Sulla fonologia e la rappresentazione ortografica del lule. In A. Maccioni, Arte y Vocabulario de la lengua Lule y Tonocoté. (pp. xxi–lviii). Ed. by R. Badini, T. Deonette & S. Pineider. Cagliari: Centro di Studi Filologici Sardi. ISBN978-88-8467-474-6.
^Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (编). Lule. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 2016.