动物界 Animalia
节肢动物门 Arthropoda
甲殼亞門 Crustacea
软甲纲 Malacostraca
十足目 Decapoda
腹胚亚目 Pleocyemata
短尾下目 Brachyura
溪蟹科 Potamidae
近溪蟹亞科 Potamiscinae
印支溪蟹屬 Indochinamon Yeo & P.K.L.Ng, 2007
绒毛溪蟹 Potamon villosum
Yeo & P.K.L. Ng, 1998(现接受名为Indochinamon villosum)
印支溪蟹屬(学名:Indochinamon),也称作中印溪蟹属,为溪蟹科的一属甲壳动物。属名中Indo-china指代中国和印度之间的区域,主要是中南半岛(IndoChina Peninsula)[1]。
- 阿科印支溪蟹 Indochinamon ahkense Naruse, JE Chia & XM Zhou, 2018
- 安德森溪蟹 Indochinamon andersonianum (Wood-Mason, 1871)
- 粗糙中印溪蟹 Indochinamon asperatum (Alcock, 1909)
- 波围中印溪蟹 Indochinamon bavi Naruse, XQ Nguyen & Yeo, 2011
- 贝氏中印溪蟹 Indochinamon beieri (Pretzmann, 1966)
- 泰王中印溪蟹 Indochinamon bhumibol (Naiyanetr, 2001)
- 保山中印溪蟹 Indochinamon boshanense (Dai & G.-X.Chen, 1985)
- 长坡中印溪蟹 Indochinamon changpoense (Dai, 1995)
- 景洪中印溪蟹 Indochinamon chinghungense (Dai, YZ Song, LY He, WJ Cao, ZB Xu & WL Zhong, 1975)
- 香庙中印溪蟹 Indochinamon chuahuong Do, TC Nguyen & Le, 2016[3]
- 越语中印溪蟹 Indochinamon cua (Yeo & Pkl Ng, 1998)
- 邓氏中印溪蟹 Indochinamon dangi Naruse, XQ Nguyen & Yeo, 2011
- Indochinamon datii Dang, Hoang & Do, 2024[4]
- 大围山中印溪蟹 Indochinamon daweishanense (Dai, 1995)
- 艾氏中印溪蟹 Indochinamon edwardsii (Wood-Mason, 1871)
- 弯肢中印溪蟹 Indochinamon flexum (Dai, YZ Song, LL Li & PX Liang, 1980)
- 耿马中印溪蟹 Indochinamon gengmaense (Dai, 1995)
- 束茎中印溪蟹 Indochinamon guttum (Yeo & Pkl Ng, 1998)
- 多毛中印溪蟹 Indochinamon hirtum (Alcock, 1909)
- 毛足中印溪蟹 Indochinamon hispidum (Wood-Mason, 1871)
- 剑川中印溪蟹 Indochinamon jianchuanense (Dai & G.-X.Chen, 1985)[5]
- 金平中印溪蟹 Indochinamon jinpingense (Dai, 1995)[6]
- 钦氏中印溪蟹 Indochinamon khinpyae Pkl Ng & Win Mar, 2018
- 金杯中印溪蟹 Indochinamon kimboiense (Đăng, 1975)
- 理氏中印溪蟹 Indochinamon lipkei (Pkl Ng & Naiyanetr, 1993)
- 卢氏印支溪蟹 Indochinamon lui Naruse, JE Chia & XM Zhou, 2018
- Indochinamon malipoense Z Zang & H Sun, 2020
- 曼尼普尔中印溪蟹 Indochinamon manipurense (Alcock, 1909)
- Indochinamon mengalaense (Dai & Cai, 1998)
- 勐腊中印溪蟹 Indochinamon menglaense (Dai & Cai, 1998)
- 棉氏中印溪蟹 Indochinamon mieni (Đăng, 1967)
- 奥氏中印溪蟹 Indochinamon orleansi (Rathbun, 1904)
- 琅多中印溪蟹 Indochinamon ou (Yeo & Pkl Ng, 1998)
- 相似印支溪蟹 Indochinamon parpidum Naruse, JE Chia & XM Zhou, 2018
- 丰芽中印溪蟹 Indochinamon phongnha Naruse, XQ Nguyen & Yeo, 2011
- 宽胸中印溪蟹 Indochinamon prolatum (Brandis, 2000)
- 坦氏中印溪蟹 Indochinamon tannanti (Rathbun, 1904),坦南特印支溪蟹
- 三叶印支溪蟹 Indochinamon tritum (Alcock, 1909)
- 兔街印支溪蟹 Indochinamon tujiense Naruse, JE Chia & XM Zhou, 2018
- 绒毛中印溪蟹 Indochinamon villosum (Yeo & Pkl Ng, 1998)
- 新平中印溪蟹 Indochinamon xinpingense (Dai & Bo, 1994)
- 云龙中印溪蟹 Indochinamon yunlongense (Dai, 1995)
- ^ Yeo, D.C.J. and P.K.L. Ng (2007) On the genus “Potamon” and allies in Indochina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 16: 273–308.
- ^ Indochinamon Yeo & P.K.L.Ng, 2007. GBIF. [2023-07-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-08).
- ^ Van Tu Do, Tong Cuong Nguyen and Hung Anh Le. 2016. A New Species of the Genus Indochinamon Yeo & Ng, 2007 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Potamoidea: Potamidae) from northern Vietnam. RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY. 64: 187–193.
- ^ Khai Dang, Anh Tram Hoang and Cuong Do. 2024. A New Species of the Genus Indochinamon Yeo & Ng, 2007 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Potamoidea: Potamidae) and a new country record from Northern Vietnam. Zootaxa. 5437(4); 560-570. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5437.4.8
- ^ Tohru Naruse, Jing En Chia & Xianmin Zhou(2018)Biodiversity surveys reveal eight new species of freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) from Yunnan Province, China.PeerJ 6(6):e5497
- ^ Yeo DCJ, Ng PKL (1998) Freshwater crabs of the Potamon tannanti species group (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) from northern Indochina. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology
46(2): 627–650.