在1920年,加拿大古生物學家威廉·狄勒·馬修(William Diller Matthew)將一個位在美國自然歷史博物館的頭骨與骨骸的照片,命名為原鵝龍(Procheneosaurus),該化石出土於加拿大亞伯達省的恐龍公園組,年代為上白堊紀的晚坎潘階[3]。原鵝龍的命名普遍不認為具有效性,而該標本後來被建立為Tetragonosaurus。但是,理查·史旺·納爾(Richard Swann Lull)反對Tetragonosaurus的用法,繼續使用原鵝龍。
^, Peter. Taxonomic implications of relative growth in lambeosaurine dinosaurs. Systematic Zoology (Society of Systematic Biologists). 1975, 24 (1): 37–54. JSTOR 2412696. doi:10.2307/2412696.
^ 2.02.1Horner, John R.; and Currie, Phillip J. Embryonic and neonatal morphology and ontogeny of a new species of Hypacrosaurus (Ornithischia, Lambeosauridae) from Montana and Alberta. Carpenter, Kenneth; Hirsch, Karl F.; and Horner, John R. (eds.) (编). Dinosaur Eggs and Babies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1994: 312–336. ISBN 0521567238.引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^Matthew, William Diller. Canadian dinosaurs. Natural History. 1920, 20 (5): 1–162.
^Parks, William A. A new genus and two new species of trachodont dinosaurs from the Belly River Formation of Alberta. University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series. 1931, 31: 1–11.
^Lull, Richard Swann; and Wright, Nelda E. Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs of North America. Geological Society of America Special Paper 40. Geological Society of America. 1942: 1–242.引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^Sternberg, Charles M. Hooded hadrosaurs of the Belly River Series of the Upper Cretaceous. Canada Department of Mines Bulletin (Geological Series). 1935, 77 (52): 1–37.
^Evans, David C.; Forster, Catherine F.; and Reisz, Robert R. The type specimen of Tetragonosaurus erectofrons (Ornithischia: Hadrosauridae) and the identification of juvenile lambeosaurines. Currie, Phillip J., and Koppelhus, Eva (编). Dinosaur Provincial Park: A Spectacular Ancient Ecosystem Revealed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2005: 349-366. ISBN 0-253-34595-2.引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^Rozhdestvensky, A.K. Hadrosaurs of Kazakhstan. Tatarinov, L.P. et al. (eds.) (编). Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic Amphibians and Reptiles. Moscow: Akademia Naul SSSR. 1968: 97–141 (俄语).
^Horner, John R.; Weishampel, David B.; and Forster, Catherine A. Hadrosauridae. Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka (eds.) (编). The Dinosauria 2nd. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2004: 438-463. ISBN 0-520-24209-2.引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^Norman, David B.; Sues, Hans-Dieter. Ornithopods from Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Siberia. Benton, Michael J.; Shishkin, Mikhail A.; Unwin, David M.; and Kurochkin, Evgenii N. (编). The Age of Dinosaurs in Russia and Mongolia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2000: 462-479. ISBN 0-521-55476-4.引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)