^Marcis de Goulaine was living in 1130, but the genealogy begin with Jean, mentioned in 1149; his son, Mathieu, Jean II de Goulaine, 14th century obtained the right to hold a fair on St Martin's Day (Nicolas Viton de Saint-Allais, Nobiliaire universel de France ou Recueil général des généalogies ..., 1816, vol. 7); seigneurie of Goulaine erected as a marquisate for Gabriel de Goulaine (husband of Marguerite de Bretagne) by Henri IV, 1621 (Saint-Allais François-Alexandre Aubert de La Chesnaye des Bois, Dictionnaire de la Noblesse, s.v. "Goulaine" 2nd ed. 1774, vol. 7, p. 338.