哈里特邦(英語:Harit Pradesh,意为绿邦),印度的一个行政区划提议,现属北方邦西部地区[1],占北方邦面积的33.14%,人口的35—36%[2],包括加濟阿巴德、阿格拉、诺伊达、密拉特、马图拉、巴雷利等城市。
... perhaps only to strengthen his own demand of a separate Harit Pradesh comprising 17 districts from western UP ...A consequent demand for the separation of the more prosperous western districts of UP which have been the bastion of the green revolution, and have variously been named as Pashchim Pradesh or more recently as Harit Pradesh by Ajit Singh ...
... The only remedy is to break up the Northern States of U.P., Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. How did this solution not strike the Congress Working Committee I am unable to understand ... My proposal with regard to the Uttar Pradesh is to divide it into three States. The three States of the Uttar Pradesh could have as their capitals (1) Meerut (2) Kanpur and (3) Allahabad ...