喬治亞字母補充 Georgian Supplement | |
範圍 | U+2D00..U+2D2F (48個碼位) |
平面 | 基本多文種平面(BMP) |
文字 | 喬治亞字母 |
應用 | 小草體 |
已分配 | 40個碼位 |
未分配 | 8個保留碼位 |
統一碼版本歷史 | |
4.1 | 38 (+38) |
6.1 | 40 (+2) |
相關區塊 | |
喬治亞字母(擴展) | |
碼表 | |
點擊此處 | |
註釋:[1][2] |
喬治亞字母補充 Georgian Supplement[1][2] Unicode Consortium 官方碼表(PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+2D0x | ⴀ | ⴁ | ⴂ | ⴃ | ⴄ | ⴅ | ⴆ | ⴇ | ⴈ | ⴉ | ⴊ | ⴋ | ⴌ | ⴍ | ⴎ | ⴏ |
U+2D1x | ⴐ | ⴑ | ⴒ | ⴓ | ⴔ | ⴕ | ⴖ | ⴗ | ⴘ | ⴙ | ⴚ | ⴛ | ⴜ | ⴝ | ⴞ | ⴟ |
U+2D2x | ⴠ | ⴡ | ⴢ | ⴣ | ⴤ | ⴥ | ⴧ | ⴭ | ||||||||
注釋 |
版本 | 最終碼位[a] | 碼位数 | L2 ID | WG2 ID | 文檔 |
4.1 | U+2D00..2D25 | 38 | N1945-alt | Coding of GEORGIAN SMALL LETTERS (Nuskhuri), 1999-01-12 | |
L2/99-082 | N1962 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Everson, Michael, Optimizing Georgian representation in the BMP of the UCS, 1999-02-26 | |||
L2/00-115R2 | Moore, Lisa, Motion 83-M7, Minutes Of UTC Meeting #83, 2000-08-08 | ||||
L2/00-404 | Tarkhan-Mouravi, David, Proposal for Asomtavruli, Nuskhuri, and Mkhedruli Georgian, 2000-10-30 | ||||
L2/01-006 | Moore, Lisa, Reply to Georgian State Department of Information Technology, 2000-12-22 | ||||
L2/01-046 | Tarkhan-Mouravi, David, Letter from the Georgian State department for Information Technology, 2001-01-22 | ||||
L2/01-059 | Everson, Michael, Summary and proposed actions regarding the Georgian documents, 2001-01-24 | ||||
L2/01-040 | Becker, Joe, Unicode 3.1 Text: Encoding Model for Georgian Script, 2001-01-26 | ||||
L2/01-072 | Everson, Michael, Georgian Text & Case Mappings, Reduxed, 2001-01-27 | ||||
L2/01-078 | Letter from the "Catholicos Patriarch of all Georgia", 2001-01-29 | ||||
L2/01-166 | Moore, Lisa, Reply to Georgian State Department of Information Technology, 2001-04-16 | ||||
L2/03-087 | Tarkhan-Mouravi, David, Georgian Unicode standard proposal, 2003-03-03 | ||||
L2/03-096 | Everson, Michael, Georgian, 2003-03-04 | ||||
L2/03-230R2 | N2608R2 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Everson, Michael, Proposal to add Georgian and other characters to the BMP of the UCS, 2003-09-04 | |||
6.1 | U+2D27, 2D2D | 2 | L2/10-072 | N3775 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Everson, Michael, Proposal for encoding Georgian and Nuskhuri letters for Ossetian and Abkhaz, 2010-03-09 |
L2/10-108 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 123-C7, UTC #123 / L2 #220 Minutes, 2010-05-19 | ||||
N3803 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | M56.08i, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting no. 56, 2010-09-24 | ||||